Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Texas Storms

Jacksboro, 50 miles south of us, had a bad hit. No deaths. Major damage to schools.
We were all warned over here but didn’t get much more than a sprinkling
Grateful we didn’t get any of the severe stuff but the fields looking like hell n could definitely use some real rain. Prayers to all that were affected
It is coming through here now. Seems like it has weakened some compared to what some of Texas got.

After the driest winter I remember this rain is very welcomed.
On the bright side, a bunch of farmer friends of mine were begging the good lord for some moisture.
We had sirens going off from around 9 until 11. Wife took daughter into hallway and took shelter, wife is very afraid of storms. I stood on porch and watched the sky as transformers blew and turned the skyline green. Drove around town this morning, lots of limbs and a few trees down.

We did get hammered with rain in the East but central TX still needs a ton of moisture.
Snowing all day here. Six inches and no end in sight. Still had knee deep stuff in the yard before this arrived. Piled up four feet high next to the street. I'll be very lucky if the basement doesn't flood this year.
I live north of Austin, and we got about 2" of rain, strong winds and light hail. We were lucky though. I was out helping with boarding up broken windows and removing trees yesterday in my buddy's neighborhood just south of us. There was a lot of damage. I only snapped this one picture, but it was like this throughout the neighborhood.IMG_20220322_194613627.jpg
Day two of this snow storm and no end in sight. When the spring rains finally do arrive we will be looking at some serious flooding everywhere from here to Winnipeg. Beaver dams will break leading to chain reactions of more dams breaking downstream and eventually a wall of water taking out culverts and highways. Supply chain is already screwed up. Wait and see how hard it will be to get groceries in a few weeks!20220323_093524.jpg
Day two of this snow storm and no end in sight. When the spring rains finally do arrive we will be looking at some serious flooding everywhere from here to Winnipeg. Beaver dams will break leading to chain reactions of more dams breaking downstream and eventually a wall of water taking out culverts and highways. Supply chain is already screwed up. Wait and see how hard it will be to get groceries in a few weeks!View attachment 216350
So you weren't affected by the storms in Texas then? (y)
So you weren't affected by the storms in Texas then? (y)
I haven't checked the weather channel radar. Maybe it's that big a storm front? I see my former NPS park unit in New Orleans just got clobbered with a big tornado from that same system.
But enough about me.
What do YOU think of me?

Tornado touchdown 8 mi northeast of us. Flash runoff carried a lot of debris through the yard, but luckily no wind damage. The images of that tornado scoring a direct hit on the waterpark were electrifying. That could have been devastating this close to spring break.
Caribou Gear

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