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Talk about bad Ethics


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2017
Wyoming game and fish released this today:

This ticks me off to no end! "Hunting in the Sticks" took the footage down already but if you were able to watch it prior to it being blocked it was obvious these guys poached these elk. One scene they are up in the mountains, ten seconds later they are out in the prairie shooting a couple bulls. Makes me furious they made money off this episode.

At least our public resource is protected from these dudes for 15 years!
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That is ridiculous...they only do hunts in that area every two or three years and those guys took two elk out of there. I remember seeing another wgfd press release form a year or two ago about how the elk poaching in that area is rampant.
Holy smokes, thanks for posting. It's interesting to see how stiff fines and penalties can be for some but extremely lenient for others. But hey, throwing the book at these knuckleheads might be a deterrent for others.
Yep, thats the one Mthuntr. At 17:00 they are somewhere in the mountains. Next scene they are back out in the badlands.

I dont know what producer looked at that footage and thought it was legit!
There are an awful lot of people in the TV world that have absolutely zero knowledge of geology and plants but it's quite obvious. Ponderosa Pine where they shot with mixed sandstone/mudstone vs Douglas Fir & Lodgepole where they were supposed to hunt...completely different climate all together. Glad they got smacked better than average.
there are an awful lot of people in the tv world that have absolutely zero knowledge of geology and plants but it's quite obvious. Ponderosa pine where they shot with mixed sandstone/mudstone vs douglas fir & lodgepole where they were supposed to hunt...completely different climate all together. Glad they got smacked better than average.
nerd alert! ;) :D
While they lack ethics in hunting they make up for it with their "call before digging" ethics.
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"We cant afford a guided hunt, so we're going DIY"...

30K in fines and loss of hunting privileges in 43 states for 15 years is what you can afford???

What a couple dipchits...
"I believe the two defendants were driven to get kill shot footage for the television show and that resulted in their making bad decisions," added Ehlebracht.

When money or the bulls gets big, people get greedy.
Ok. I just wasted too much time watching that video and I gotta say those guys are pretty silly. My favorite scene is where the wind is blowing the sagebrush almost sideways and the guy pulls out his little bottle of wind-detector and puffs it, without irony. Do these guys exist solely to make Big Fin look good?
Yeah, I also thought the the part right before they shoot the first bull was hilarious. "We just got done hiking this mountain and there is a bull bugling right over here." Haha what mountain are you talking about? All I see is some scrub Ponderosas and sagebrush.
Stupid is as stupid does. Good job to all the Game and Fish agencies involved. Looks like some hefty fines and punishments were handed out to these two morons.
Glad to see them drop the hammer on some egregious offenders. I have some sympathy for accidents but this was a complete disregard of the rules.
It bothers me what some are willing to do for self gratification and ego.

Randy definitely sets a standard well above these idiots and most others on the tube for that matter.
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