Talk about a fisherman....... WOW!


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
So, on another hunting board someone puts up a post saying that he wants our opinion of the best 5 elk hunting states for big bulls from best to worst.
O.k, sounds like fun so i just type in my opinion starting with UT, and work my way down to the rest of the 4 states i would want to hunt the most.
Now this is where it gets funny. Some guy who i jave no clue of who he is sends me a PM..... here is the PM, I XX'd out his name and tele number
Original Message:

XXXXXXXXXXXXXX - Hello fellow bow hunter,

I was reading your comments on the top 5 locations for harvesting quality size elk and would like to request a clearer description of the area in the specify unit or zones that you maybe talking about.

I have the urge to hunt in areas that produce my best opportunity to harvest a quality bull and would like to hear whey you place these areas into the best of the best.

I hope to hear from you, (my fellow bow hunter) as I believe in helping the bow hunters that have the burn as I do, you may reach me with the below information.




So my response?? "I dont think so"
No, but a bit brazen i would think since he never had any type of contact with me before. Not that i would have given him my ideas anyway. I just think it is funny.
"Please include GPS coordinates of the most likely areas....":D

I'm sure there's a couple of folks out there that think I'm a fruitcake. I e-mailed a few people who had posted on forums about hunting the elk unit I hunted this year. They didn't know me from Adam, and treated me as such. :D Oh well, I figured it was worth a shot.

I hope to hear from you, (my fellow bow hunter) as I believe in helping the bow hunters that have the burn as I do

Sounds like he/she might be a doctor with a urinary tract infection or STD that wants to help you with your problems :D .
(my fellow bow hunter) = guilt trip for me to send him GPS coords.
Yea it never hurts to ask but since i have never even seen this guy post before it seems odd for someone out of the blue to ask what units i apply for, and on a PM. Then the way he asks seems a bit demanding.. "I request"?? I would have used different words like "i was wondering" or somethething like that.
It comes across to me like the Borg on star trek "We are Borg.. you will be assimulated unless you tell me where you are hunting"
I was thinking more along the lines of him looking for a date. Maybe he saw your pic somewhere. You stud you Schmalts! :D
Mo, i think now that the truth comes out and you think i am a stud. As a "fellow adult joke forum lurker" I "REQUEST" that you send me photo's of yourself. As i have a "burn" to see your better side the way nature portrays it... :D :p
c'mon schmalts, go chain a nice big bull to a tree for the (guy?) Its only a 2 day drive to Utah.

Some random internet best buddy you turned out to be;)
Your wish is my command Sweetie.....although I'm not sure it's my best side. :D

Asking for a "PICTURE" from my sister is like asking for GPS coordinates for a 300+ bull..... Except you might get the picture.. ;)

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