

Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
heading for 12 days to what my 2nd oldest calls Take-a-leaki and wanafarta.

..........see you boys and girls Feb 28th. I might stop by via "Boat net" some night if I'm board ;)

Ohhhh Hawaii.... The only place in the good ole USA you get laid right when you step off the plane.:D :D With a flower lay that is;) Have fun mate.
Wife is pissed tonight !!!!!! We haven't had anytime to pack or do anything prior to tonight..... So We're on the phone making excursion reservations and talking to locals (Ridge runner mostly :D) getting stuff in order. She's making a list of crap to pick up first thing in the AM for the trip.

She starts laying out her cloths about 1 hour ago. I still had stuff to do at my folks and other stuff so I jsut get back at 11PM and she says I need to get my stuff packed. She has outfits for every day, 3 bathing suits, 2 suitcases and lists a mile long of stuff.

I reach in the drawer, grab some undies, my flip flops and a bathing suit, put it in the Albersons bag and said I'm done ..... HEck I even grabed a Fresh T-shrt when she looked at me funny when I picked the one off the floor and Smelt it..... :D

She looked at me and said a couple words about how men have it easier and I quickly left, I understand when I'm in a loosing situation ;)

I mean really, she has more fancy undergarments then I do cloths for the Entire trip :D :D :D 2 mins and I'm packed, It's not a Hunting trip for goodness sake I told her, It's jsut a Dumb vacation with no hunting I said as I left the room....... ;) (OK, I didn't say that, I just typed it because it was funny !!!!)
Have a good un there Oscar.....you can always borrow the wife's undies if needed, but she'll probably keep your pants ;) :D
I'm headed off to Maui later on today, and same as you Moosie it took me about 2 minutes to get my stuff packed, 5 shirts, 2 pair of shorts, some drawers and a pair of sandles. I never relalized how much harder it is to pack for a hunting trip until last night...:D
AKbear hunter.... Want for me to get ahold of you when I'm there ? I remembered someone posted that they were going but I couldn't remember who and were I read that. I'll be in Maui 21-22. I think thats were you were gonig to be ?!?! We're taking a Whale watch trip with "Ridge runners" dad on the 21st evening. If you wanted to hook up we can share a story or two. My Cell is (208)571-1355, I'm around today but don't know is I get service in Sun land ;)
Have fun big guy.
I highly recommend, when on Maui, eat at "Momma's Fish House", arguably one of the best restaurants in the world (at least one of the most recommended)

Go snorkeling when ever possible, just about anywhere on the islands.
It's jsut a Dumb vacation with no hunting I said as I left the room....... ;) (OK, I didn't say that, I just typed it because it was funny !!!!)

If I told my wife that I'd have to pick myself up off the floor then before I could the youngest would stop by to stomp me for making momma mad.:D
First day over was pretty good. The wether isn't as hot as I would think it was gonig to be but we're jsut getting started :)

Found some local wildlfe to share breakfast with :


Then it was off to the Polynesian center :


We got to see some different cultures. I liked the Hoola Chicks !!



We took part in several game. One was swinging balls around on a rope. After getting tangled once and Leting one go accidentally behind me and it flying into the croud, We tried a different game. We clanked sticks on the ground and tossed it to each other. We were the most coordinated and liked this game :


Next was the Spear throwing contest. I was by fr the closest in the 2 practice rounds out of about 35 people. I felt good. I even let out a Warrior Yell when I threw it. I think alot of people thought I was Tongan or something.


The it was the final round. Vicki must have gotten the hang of it or jsut decided to show me up. I came in 4th as she got the Warriors cheer and took first place .... I was happy for her (DARN IT !!! I am the warrior .. I should have won.....) No really, I was happy......


After a long day of looking at things and cultures and meeting a ton of people we went to a Luah. This was a good time. From there we went to a Evening show. My favorite was the Flames :


Until Tomorrow....... Mahalo !!!!!

I think alot of people thought I was Tongan

A lot of us here at Hunt talk think your Tongan

Keep us updated, it's like we are there, except for the weather, the hula girls, the food, the scenery, and about a million other things.
Glad to see your enjoying youselves. Man look at all the hawaiian bling,bling you got on throwing that spear.;) :D Keep the updates coming and have fun..

(My boys are checking in Daily to see what mom and Dad are doing so I figured I'd upload pictures while I'm on Someone’s WYFI connection. From the Hotel there are 45+- connections and 1/2 are open.)

Yesterday was fun and today was a bit more relaxing. After being asked if we want to buy "weed" last night walking home and running into a lot of bums we realize there is a lot of areas we should probably not venture into.

This morning I slept in a little. I had some "work" to do so I did that for an hour then we headed out for breakfast. There was a Local "cheese Burger" place I had to try. It served breakfast food too so I knew the wife would buy into it. I don't like breakfast stuff, I'm a lunch all day type of guy. Little did I know that the Pineapple juice drinks were $4 a piece and the refills were NOT free. We spent $16 just in Pineapple juice. $44 for breakfast ??? Thats been the most expensive breakfast/lunch/dinner we're had in a long time. Tonight my wife bought a Dress for $45 and didn't really want to spend the $. so I told her tomorrow we'd skip Breakfast to pay for it *WINK* HAHA !!!. Someone forgot to tell that place that PINEAPPLE'S ARE LOCAL !!!!!!!!! Freaaaaakin Mixed drinks aren't that much...... But I digress.

We decided to do a Hike today and walked up Diamond Head Mountain. It’s an Old military base thats an an old volcano. Here is Vicki Hiking up :


Here is the View from the top :


I just told Vicki we don’t have to climb any more High mountains.... I think she is excited!!!


The hike down was just as hard. We had a long windy trail coming up then these endless staircases.


Hey OAK or MtMiller, Any idea what bird this is ???? and yes, I do :


We decided to spend some of the afternoon on the beach. The area was packed and the Clouds were thick, then open, then thick again. We only stayed out for about 1 hour then called it a Day for the beach. We were "blessed" with a drunk black chick on the beach singing "When JESUS Wash's my sins away" for at least 1/2 that time and 2 other songs the other half. She was trying to get the Jap. Tourists to sing with her and I had to laugh several times when she yelled at people. Her bedding on the beach was comical as well. We saw several bums and were even asked if we wanted to kick one of the drunken sleeping bums by his Buddy for $1. I almost did just for the Picture. I'm going back tomorrow with the camera to see if they are still there.... I think a drunk Hawaiian with an Australian Accent is worth at least 10 points .. ?

Anyways, the beach time was fun !!!


After the Beach we went to Dinner. We decided since we were in Hawaii, We'd go Mexican. It said Local Authentic Food so we were there !!!!!! We were served by a Guy from the Little Island ....... Of......... Jackson Hole Wyoming .... *wink*. Nothing like going to Hawaii to eat Mexican served by a Surfer from Jackson Hole. The food was the best we've had though!!!!


After Dinner we did a little shopping, and then hit the local BK for a Chocó Shake. If I'm to become Tonga, I need to Eat more I keep telling my wife !!!


Tomorrow we board the Ship for the 7 day cruise.

Glad to see you survived Waki Waki... Just watch out for the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a.. They are everywhere! Here's some Hawaiian slang for ya bradha or hawaiian pidgeon. For example. when you go out and eat and the food was the best you had ya say. Oh brah the grinds were so good it break your face. and when you give the hang loose sign you don't just put your hand up with with thumb and pinky sticking out. You have to throw the shaka brah with a snap of the arm keeping it at right angles. As seen in this picture of my son and crewmember Shadow a true 7th generation Hawaiian


Now if a big hawaiian comes up to you and says hey brah you want ta beef he's not your waiter and he's getting ready to break your face bruddah.

And when your waiter brings the pupus around that is not changing time for the baby. It is the appetizers..

Hope this keeps you out of trouble for a while brah.. Enjoy the islands and keep the pics coming.

How about the Brazilian Red Cap Cardinal (OK, I cheated and looked it up). I am more interested in seeing how many different colored JC Penny sleeveless shirts you show off on the island.;) :D

Looks like big fun, thanks for sharing.
It looks like we get to see how the other side enjoys life. I hope Mrs. Moosie is enjoying it, she looks real Happy! Have a Great Time! John
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