Caribou Gear Tarp



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2002
But unfortunately it wasn't mine
My dad got a small 3x3 whitetail yesterday while I was hunting with him. I actually pushed it right to him, its always nice when a plan works out. Then tonight my cousin calls wondering if theres room to hang a deer in the garage and I told him bring it up. He whacked a dandy 4x4 whitetail today, he'd been hunting about 10 minutes when it went trotting by him in a CRP field, one shot later and it was all over. His buck is really narrow, maybe 12 inches or so, but has great tines and long beams. Maybe my lucky day is coming up, everyone I know is filling out and I get at least 3 days to hunt this week. I'll try and get some pics.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-22-2003 22:11: Message edited by: TheTone ]</font>
Tone, Good luck on your Upcoming hunts !!! Tell POPS Kudos and your Cousin too.. Invite them to Moosies House of Crazy postings

How long do you guys hang your Beer before Proccessing ?

Also, If you need help with Pics lemme know !!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>How long do you guys hang your Beer before Proccessing ?

Moosie, we drink our beer.... We do not hang our Beer.

Glad to hear the Whiteys are getting whacked up North. Are you finding problems with the EHG killing all the deer?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Are you finding problems with the EHG killing all the deer? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

EHD? Epizootic Hemorhagic Disease
We usually drink the beer while hanging them, I've never fealt a need to hang a beer before "processing" it, maybe I should try it? As for hanging deer we usually hang them 2-5 days on average, kinda depends on temps and on available cutting time.

I haven't found any EHD yet myself, but I did hunt a place that had some near it and we saw very few deer there and it was some of the best country I've ever hunted. I'll probably find some next spring when I'm shed hunting though. My cousin found 9 dead ones in one draw this fall and some of my other family lost lots of deer near there place. All in all it should make for a healthier deer herd in the future, but really killed off a bunch all at once.