PEAX Equipment

Stinky me in AK


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Ok, might be a silly question, But how often does the Average hunter dip in the Cold water to get the Sweat off the BOD ?

I figure for a couple day hunt I wouldn't worry about it.. But I'll be 14 days afield

Up until two years ago I saved the shower til I made it home. Now a days, I have overcome my paranoia and will normally lather up and rinse off at the end of the hunt, before my pilot picks me up. Being you can afford the extra little bit of weight, I would take a box of baby wipes and target the musty pocket, pits, face, and so on. They really are a bath in a box. I wouldn't go jumping in up to your neck in water though. Bring along a face cloth and pan (I use the one I cook with) and wash and rinse the areas. That water is C-O-L-D!!! To answer your question though, if water is available, I'd probably do every 4-5 days...thats just me though. Honestly, I tend not to worry about it til it is time to go home.
I agree with what has been said so far. basically when you cant stand yourself, jump in


(damn red X)

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-25-2003 22:38: Message edited by: lilbiggun ]</font>
The best indicator is when you can't zip the sleeping bag over your head. Then it is time to take the plunge. If you wear a fleece hat at night, over the ears, it seems to get you quite a bit more warmth, possibly delaying the plunge.
The itchies usually go away on day 4, and then you are ok. Assuming you are wearing Polypro underwear, you can rinse them, and dry them in a slight wind, and that will keep some odor down.
Moose hunting for 10 days down on the Tanana, out from Fairbanks, I finally broke down, and took a plunge in the Beaver pond on day 6. Yep, naked with all those beavers around....

It is like any dip in 32.0000001 degree water. It just takes your breath away.... I think there are some pictures, somewhere, but they are not suitable for Internet posting....

But, for 14 days, you might want to go take a bath. If you have excess room, and are not moving from base camp, throw a solar shower in, next to all the other stuff. Hot water would be the ultimate luxury.
If you don't have rain, hang the polypro underwear outside the tent at night. It scares the bears away, as they assume it is one of them, only much bigger, and fouler....
Hunters specialties puts out a very good product on scent reduction. I have been looking for a product for years or at least a means to knock the human scent down on extended forays...
If you take the liquid product that they peddle and put it in a zip lock bag, along with the blue shop towels that you can pick up at any automotive store. They work very well to keep oders at bay. I have been using them for about three years on a regular basis and they seem to work exceptionaly well. If you are carful on the sequence you use them, by the time you get to your back end, you should have every thing else clean. Yes it is very invigorating when the temps dip into the minus degrees. But they work better than the plunge....
I haven't tried one of those types of dips yet, but one of these day's when the day is warm and not sitting at -20, I could probably give it a try!!!
Actually it was hot that day. about 10AM the temp was 84degrees according to the thermometer (it was in the shade at the cabin). It started for the first guy as a $5 dare but then hell, we all needed to get some stink off. After the first shock it wasnt that bad. the worst part was the ice we were walking on cut the crap out of our feet (above and below the water). Ovis might remember how hot it was last spring (mothersday timeframe) up north. This was outside of Tok.
Oscar, you start talking like that and I'm starting to get scared

Bill, It was cold, I'm not gonna bullshit ya but it wasnt that bad. I didnt stay in to long, just long enough to get some soap on me and rinse off. Usually the creek is just a trickle but because of the temps it was flowing pretty good. My 4-wheeler almost didnt make it across. One of the guys there found a "chute" he thought he would slide down. He found out the hard way what ice does to skin
(underwear doesnt protect to well).
Oscar sees Joel nakid in the creek and he wants to raise him.

I see another pan picture coming out of this trip.

LOL Joel
Bet it was fuuny to watch him slide though.

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