Spring bear question??


Active member
Jan 3, 2006
Just wondering when you guys think the bears will be coming out this spring. My buddy has a spring bear tag that opens on April 1st. We are kind of wondering if we will be wasting our time or not going out on opening day if the bears are still sleeping? Any thoughts??
I think bears really start to become active about the 1st of May. But I'm not the most experienced bear hunter. That's just when I noticed bears in my area really starting to become more active. Probably depends what state you're in and what elevations you're hunting. For the people who normally hunt the higher elevations in the mountains this will probably be a late year for them, as there is still lots of snow, and even if the bears are active many areas are not accessible. Well, unless you have a snowmobile.
We've got the sleds but kind of seems to me that if snow machines are needed that the bears probably won't be out in full effect. But there again I don't really know. We will probably head up this weekend and look around because we don't have the will power to pass up an opening day hunt. Another question. Do the older bears come out first or the younger/smaller bears??
Well it all depends on the snow and where you can legally ride them, but maybe they would allow you to get into some areas that you couldn't otherwise get to, and you'll have less competition from other hunters. The bears could still be in there, but just on the south slopes where the snow may have melted off and where hopefully there will be green grass coming up. I'm sure some of the more knowledgeable guys will have more info for ya. So what state are you in?
Yeah you're probably right about the south slopes. We are just getting into that weird time of year when there is a 100 foot snow bank in between you and the whole mountain. Usually some shady corner that screws the whole thing up. We will probably drive as far as we can in the pickup and then hike from there.
In general the 1st of may is a good starting point. The boars come out first followed by the sows with cubs a week or two later. Depending on snowpack in the area your looking at and spring weather they could be out by mid april.

Glass for tracks on open slopes and look for new grass greening up on south slopes. Bears eat grass mainly for the first week or so. When they den up they form a plug of hair and mucous that seals off their colon for hibernation. They eat the grass until their digestive system gets back on track, then they look for protein (fawns & calves).

A fawn bleet call will work in early may if you have some one watching your back

Good luck
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