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South Dakota (NR) Archery Information

We applied for SD for the first time since 2017, figuring the point creep elsewhere was enough that we didn’t want to risk not drawing, so we decided to get a 100% draw tag. Maybe 1000 others did, too.
What I see as a problem with a cap for NR is that in the future it will be applied to residents and that will lead to draws which may be someday lumped in with rifle tags. Yikes, do not want that but you can bet there is a whole camp of people that think that would be a good idea. Maybe last year was skewed by covid or the people who missed out in 2020 wanted to make sure they didnt make the same mistake twice. Be nice to see the 2019 numbers as well. This is our third year of a newer rifle tag draw system and they will evaluate what has transpired and probably make changes. ( The only thing constant is change ). I have never got excited about velvet and I'm not really a fan of early sept. hunts unless its elk but we all have our likes.
The one thing I hope keeps this from happening is the lower success rate of bow vs rifle. I hope the GFP realizes that additional bow tags doesn't equate to lower deer like rifle tags do.

I can see it mutating to being a draw tag as well in the future, but I sure hope not. It's the only way to hunt deer every year right now in SD.
I believe the intent of applying by April 1 was to help ease the crowding on public land. Deer numbers had nothing to do with the decision. At least thats how I remember it.
That's what I remember too. I'm just running down the slippery slope to no more archery hunting every year. It's not logical, but that's where I went
I believe the intent of applying by April 1 was to help ease the crowding on public land. Deer numbers had nothing to do with the decision. At least thats how I remember it.
To add to this I believe the earlier deadline was to make people choose to hunt South Dakota instead of just applying to have a license when they were unsuccessful in other states.
As a cranky and selfish South Dakota resident, I say ban all non resident big game hunters. You can come shoot pheasants on preserves, but that's it.
(sarcasm, but also not)
I'm sorry, I do not mean to mislead you. Here is a larger section of the email. Notice the April 1st date and the word "corrected".

Here are the updated correct numbers for Non-Resident archery permit sales prior to the April 1 deadline. That's the deadline to be able to hunt public land. The overall permit sales are still unlimited and quite inexpensive at $286.

2021 – 3,250 nonresident applicants

2020 – 2,231 nonresident applicants
It’s always been a “draw” but guaranteed. Now they make you apply by April 1 as a nonresident if you want to hunt public land. They just haven’t issued tags yet
So if I was just issued a tag a few days ago, I can’t hunt public lands?
So if I was just issued a tag a few days ago, I can’t hunt public lands?
Issued as in purchased? Then yes, private land only. NR archery on public has to be purchased before April 1st. That’s not a fool’s day joke, either! It should’ve warned you several times while purchasing the tag.
Are you a non resident that applied after April 1st? If so, the red portion that says “not valid for public land” would’ve been a big clue.

edit….again @BoomerUSAF beat me to the punch…wtf dude
My bad!
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