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Son Connects x 2


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2007
My son and I finally got out this past weekend to do a little hunting and he had a little success. Here is the story.

Wednesday afternoon I picked my son up from the airport and then since he has grown a little from last year we had some shopping to do. After getting him a new pair of hunting boots and a pair of binoculars and a few other odds and ends we made it to the house.

On Thanksgiving Day we were going to go out to my parents place to hunt that morning, but somebody, who will remain nameless, overslept. After having lunch with the family, we were going to head out to South Texas, but Jake decided he wanted to watch the Cowboys and I didn't have a problem with that. So we ended up leaving on the 4 1/2 hour trip around 6:00 pm.

When we pulled up to the gate at the lease, I find the combination lock is gone and it has been replaced with a keyed lock. So we park the truck on the side of the road and carry all of our stuff to the trailer.

We don't hunt friday morning, because we need to find a way to get into the lease. I finally get ahold of the owner and find out that he had forgot to call me and tell me about the switch and that he hid a key there for me. Things are looking up.

Friday evening Jake and I hunt together and see over 20 does and 3 or 4 small bucks, the best one being a young 8 pointer.

Saturday morning we wake up to cold and rainy conditions. Jake wants to hunt by himself, so we take the radios and head out. I get him set up in a stand, and then head over to my stand. About 30 minutes after it gets light, around 7:15, Jake calls me and ask if he can shoot a big 8 pointer. Not knowing for sure what his definition of big is, I told him no. About a minute later he calls me back and ask if he can kill a 3 pointer and I told him yes. In almost no time I here him shoot, then he gets on the radio and tells me it is down. I congratulate him and tell him I am going to continue hunting for a while.

About 7:45, my radio crackles again, Jake is wanting to know if he can take a doe. Since we are seriously over populated with does, I tell him yes. Once again I hear his .243 pop. Did I mention we watched Gettin Close the previous evening. Well he gets on the radio and says "Big Doe Down on the South Texas Ground". After I quit laughing, I congratulate him again, and once again I tell him that I am continueing to hunt.

I have seen a few does and 2 young 8 pointers that have some great potential, but not ready to take yet. About 8:30, the radio chirps again, "Dad, there are some more does out here, can I take another one?" Knowing that he already has a sore throat, so I am going to be the one standing out in the rain and cold skinning and cleaning these deer, I answer him with a loud and clear NO, unload your gun and set there!!!

After I skinned, cleaned and quartered his pair of deer, we decided to load up and head home to get a good nights rest before I take him back to the airport on Sunday. This has been a great weekend and I can't wait till he comes back during his Christmas break. I wouldn't be to surprised to see a couple of more does hit the South Texas ground.

Due to the rain, I didn't get any field pics, but here is one on the game pole.

Awesome. I didn't quiet get the part why you told him no on the 8 pointer but yes on the 3 pointer ? Is that some Texas Management thing or somethnig ? Congrats on the deer !!
Congrats to your son. Sounds like he had a blast.

I've got a question: are those deer gutted? After looking at the "Embarrassed to be a hunter" post where the deer gut piles are all below the meat pole, and now this post, I'm wondering why some folks don't gut them where they drop? I can't imagine not gutting an animal right where it fell. Just curious....Congrats again!
Moosie, yes on the management issue. Landowner rules.

Oak, no they had not been gutted yet, my personal reason is simply I can bring them in, hang them up, gut them and then I have water available to wash them out and me off. It is usually not cold enough here to let them hang, so after gutting, I just keep right on going and skin and quarter them up and put them in the cooler on ice. Then haul the guts & legs etc. off. You gotta remember we have little deer down here, so it is not a problem moving them with the guts in'em.
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