Some new deercam pictures, a SHOOTER!


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Here is next years buck, i had to throw it in because i like his pose

And here is the shooter. This is not my year... I had a close encounter with him this weekend and things did not work out well. :( Damn, i need to make a change to my equipment. For one, expandables are no longer allowed in my house. Not that it was the whole reason for losing this buck but i felt after following blood for over a half mile a fixed blade slammed in the opposite shoulder would have turned it into hamburger and i would have found this buck before the rains came. Instead i was using a 2 blade expandable that basicly fold up after they move around a bit. After the first 150 yards i thought he would have never gone another step by the blood loss. I am pretty sure it was a liver/singe lung hit. Still had blood drops every 10-20 feet but the rain came I was reduced to doing a grid search. no luck. Those bigger bucks are damn tough critters. Here he is to end my sob story.

BTW, the picture is crooked because it looks like a buck took offence at my camera and decided to spar with it a bit. :D