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So for those of you in training for your Elk hunt, all going according to plan?

A little blip in my training, whilst my Achilles have been causing me some discomfort, i have injured my left knee, about a week ago, after a run. So i decided to opt out of training for a week and try another run tomorrow, rest and ice appear to have helped a lot.
Not sure what else i can do, i have to get fit, but pointless if i pick up a serious injury that threatens my hunt, especially as i'm about to dig deep and pay out for the airfares.



Ice bath your legs. It's crazy but it works. When I do it, I sit in the tub and turn on the cold water. Once the water is above my legs, I dump the ice bin from my refrigerator's freezer. I sit in the cold water until the ice is dissolved - about 20 minutes.

When I trained for s marathon, ice baths helped me recover without soreness from long runs.
I am doing fairly well. I am almost at my all time low weight since my first year of college (15 years). Getting in decent shape. Been doing some hikes with the heavy pack but I enjoy the elliptical trainer a lot. I set it at high resistance and an incline. Works your muscles and your lungs at the same time. Also low impact and almost no risk of injury. Getting closer!
I have been doing the Train to hunt workouts. Altogether different exercises than what I'm used to and it's really gotten me into shape. I warm up with a 2 mile hike with a 50lb pack. Anyone else using TTH?
+ 1 for the ice bath. And you could try exercycle? Low impact but good for walking fitness.

All the best, hope your prep goes ok for the next few weeks.
Not in training for another elk hunt but trying to drop some excess weight. It got started when I started my England trip planning and I've decided to keep up with it and slim down even more. As of this morning I have lost 24 pounds simply by watching my portion sizes, actually LOOKING at the calorie intake, and not giving in TOO much to any cravings. I still indulge in bad food now and then, but hey, I've always been a food lover. It won't kill me to have something now and then that I "shouldn't". I'm planning on going for another 9 pounds, taking me down to 180. I feel a bit better but the biggest change is I need to buy some new jeans! Dang things keep sliding down! Need a smaller belt as well. It keeps getting a longer tail hanging out when I tighten it up another notch!
Good on you Dave!

I am still on the road to getting fitter, not many weeks now, bought the airline tickets last week, panic mode now!


Richard, how are you doing so far? Healed up and ready? When does that plane leave?
Richard, how are you doing so far? Healed up and ready? When does that plane leave?
Fine thanks Dave, my wife thinks i need to slow down a little, she is convinced i am going to flake out!
But i only need to lose 2lb and i will be at the same weight i was when i went to Montana last time, but Achilles tendon still a little tender. I will stop training 10 days before i fly out.
I will be there for the start of the general rifle season, but i think this will be last visit to hunt in the US, my wife really doesn't want me to go this time, so if i come over after this year it will be with my wife, sight seeing.....and fishing!

Hopefully you are still staying in shape?

And hopefully everyone else is ready, or in fact now already putting their fitness to the test.


I could make all the excuses that I can ever think of but this year I'm in the worst shape of my life and my season is hurting because of it. About 3 weeks ago, I injured my back moving a window air conditioner. I'm still sore when I wake up in the morning and extended periods of standing I get an occasional blast of pain down my leg. Physical therapist friend says I need to stretch and lose a bunch of weight (she says this while we're having dinner of course)...after a family trip to Wisconsin and consuming my weight in New Galarus and Leinekugels I'm up 5lbs from a few months ago. I'm probably going to miss out on archery elk and I hope to at least lose the extra 5 lbs I've gained before rifle season kicks in
So far my training regimen has consisted of marathons of shows on Netflix, physical therapy and FINALLY getting my insurance to schedule a cortisone shot in my back right before I hit the road for Gila. I should be in perfect shape if all goes to plan. :p
I am SOOOO over the top OCD, that I am exactly where I want to be, but I have been plotting my course since Jan/Feb! from 200 down to 178 on my way to 175 by Oct 5th. Been logging the miles 6 days a week, no booze, no sugar, 9 hours of sleep, and NO ENJOYEMENT OF LIFE! LOL *actually it's not bad, but I miss beer!!!!

Overdid the hiking last weekend and had to rest a few days, but feeling like i'm in my 20's! Now... obviously ALL of this goes out the window and down the crapper when I go up in elevation and have a live "target" in my sights!

I will be taking a beer a night with me for my trip tho!
Hopefully you are still staying in shape?

Yep. Not gaining anything back, but not losing any more. I've been stuck at the 190 mark plus or minus a couple for the past few weeks. I'll hit the apple tree pretty hard now that they are getting ripe. That may help cut down on my calorie intake for the day. That, and 2 weeks from tomorrow I start bow hunting for our whitetail meat supply! Hope it helps. Next Friday is our 28th wedding anniversary and I have a short trip and a big fancy dinner planned for us. I'll have to work that one off for sure!

Hope the tendon gets better soon! Sure would be tough to limp around the mountains. I had a torn ACL for my last elk hunt. I survived, but couldn't go like I wanted to. Couldn't get as high as I needed and for SURE couldn't pack anything downhill. That made two elk hunts with tag soup for both. Maybe someday...

Will you be doing any hunt updates when you get here?
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