Since this is the Fireside...

To Big Fin or anyone else that might know the hunting industry- do these celebs have to pay for any of the hunts or is it a swap for advertising? You figure 2-3 hunters plus camera guys and that would add up fast, for the outfitter or the celeb. I would imagine it's all free to the celeb hunter. Just curious if anyone knows.
I am sure that few people realize how hard it is to get a full season of hunts together each year. That is why OYOA is in a class by itself. On your own hunting on public land isn't easy. Filming it is even harder. If you don't have any luck drawing tags, you have a problem. That is why 90% of these shows are on private land and many are just "canned hunts". It is a tough business.

Big Jim B drives me nuts. What a tool. I could single out some others, but I won't. I actually like Tiffany and her BBD. She is either a great actress, or she really does get that excited about hunting. I suspect that as she ages, here oft repeated BBD will be in reference to a portion of her anatomy.

I subscribed to a western hunting journal for many years. I also used to watch their show faithfully. Other than OYOA, it is the closest thing to the type of hunting I prefer. They lost me with the continual "carnival barker" type actions of the founder on the show. The year that the son killed two 240" bucks, also turned me off. It wasn't jealousy for his success. Both bucks were killed on private property or on land with restricted access. Both bucks had been pre-scouted by someone else. Not quite as bad as auction tags in my book, but just about.

I am all about the experience and less about the final result. I have taken some nice public land mule deer. I have also taken some nice public land elk. I have shown some photos to Big Fin but I haven't posted them on any sites. Many times, I have ate the tag or ended up shooting a dink at the end of the season. The experience is what I am interested in. I can't count how many times I have passed on a good muley buck early in a season, because I wanted to keep hunting. As I get older, those experiences give me the greatest thrill. The stories from those hunts are priceless to me. Most of the outdoor TV shows seem to be more about the result and less about the experience.
Well stated, MH. Most of the shows I watch, (and they're getting fewer by the week), I do so with the mute engaged. I must confess to listening to Tiffany's contribution though, BB and all.
I used to go to the Video Rental and get all the Hunting Videos and I enjoyed them. Then we got cable or Satelite and I watched all of those shows. Now it is like eating a Boloney Sandwich for lunch each day, really don't care for it, it's just there real handy.
Now I don't care for 85% of the stuff out there. Just isn't worth my time. John
I watch a lot of hunting shows. OYOA is by far the best. But I do enjoy watching Tiffany also.

I have not figured out what the heck Fear No Evil is about. The guy paints his face like he's a member of KISS, then shoots a doe under a corn flinger and looks at the camera and says "fear no evil". I don't have a clue what he's talking about.

I'm also tired of the Brock Lesnar commercials where he's got the thousand yard stare going on yelling at me to buy doe urine.
OYOA, Into High Country and Western Extreme/Solo Hunters (both are kind of hokey) are the shows that I've been watching. DIY is coming on strong lately and it's great to see that.
i recently watched a show but cant remember the name. the main guy was wearing a really small t-shirt from junior high to show off his muscles. Wildlifepursuit or something like that I vote for OYOA to use more tight clothing.
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Eastmans is by far the best. Long Range Pursuits is great. OYOA is a good get me by.
I hope if there is a bad year drawing tags, or the guys have a hard time getting something down on camera, Big Fin never puts on an Indiana Jones hat and heads to the pheasant pen. Those guys make me sick. Usually they are way over weight with head to toe LLBean gear. They seem to take great pride shooting a pen raised, dizzied chicken in half two wing beats above the food plot. Nobody involved with those shows must eat wild game because they would know that any viewer who does is sick when they show a close up of the feathers floating to the ground...
Why is it that all these shows have people with a southern accent? My wife makes fun of that all the time and I find it pretty true :)

There are a few good shows and they are the start ups...I'm not sure of their names, but they are on my DVR :) I'm sick of watching women go out in the field with all that make up and touting their scent free garb...that always makes me laugh...

Another one that chaps my hide is a ton of shows this year keep showing people spining the deer...I can't believe how many times I have seen that. I realize we all make poor shots sooner or later, but this years seasons if full of it.

The Stan Potts super excitement crap has to go.......

Getting real tired of the Drury's....used to love them...

And to answer the question of do the celebs pay to hunt...come really have to ask that question....of course they don't pay....
Why is it that all these shows have people with a southern accent?

...because yankee accents sound like fingernails on a chalkboard. Peer reviewd scientific fact.:cool:;)
Yeah Ill watch OYOA eastmans and long range pursuit. Used to watch best of the west but Dan millers fake pearly whites and orange spray on tan kinda lost me. Most shows are all advertising and lodge stories then the last 5 min they all of a sudden are in the field 50 yards from a trophy which they have "spotted from 1000 yards" but we have never seen until now. Jim burnworth is a tool. Do something without a guide for once.
Brock Ray should be banned from the tv and Ron Spomer made me throw away my Winchester ammo. The last Spomer I watched he was stalking whitetails in Canada, using scent, and reading the sign. He snuck up and shot a huge buck that happened to be standing on a bait pile. If you are going to hunt over bait fine, that is Canada, but don't sell me the Daniel Boone act.
Love the elk hunting shows when the niether the guide or hunter has any kind of backpack, fannypack of any sort, yet they hunted hard all day. Yep that's real. All you elk hunters on here, imagine hitting the woods for a day without any pack.
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