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Shot to kill ratio

  • Thread starter Deleted member 38069
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this thread is interesting as I never kept track, so I am surprised at what some of you remember or perhaps you write it down each year after your hunt. We dont keep track, plus many times I add a shot on the side of precaution ( White and brown bears ) or in an effort to make sure they don't find a waterhole to expire in ( moose ). I am sure many would expire from the first shot. Probably the most shots fired in succession is during wolf elimination hunts. Anyway, this year so far I remember Caribou, Black bear, Brown Bear being one shot and wolf (s ) being multiple ( 2 or more-but-at 2 or more wolves ) All this year has been with a 348.
2019 Mule deer buck - 1
2019 bull elk - 3 (all lethal but he was still on his feet)
2019 antelope - 1
2018 cow elk - 1
2018 mule deer buck - 1
2018 antelope - 2 (totally stupid miss on a rushed shot the first day, but got the same buck in the same spot the very next morning)
2017 mule deer buck - 1
2017 antelope buck - 1
2017 antelope doe -1
2017 Sitka Blacktail - 1

So I guess 1.3 for me. All with a .270, ranges all between 70 - 330 yards.
this thread is interesting as I never kept track, so I am surprised at what some of you remember or perhaps you write it down each year after your hunt.

i've kept this spreadsheet since starting, formulas have been modified over time though. usually tack everything down at the end of the season, or after each hunt, pictures remind me of the approximate time


only three years in to hunting so not the most impressive list

it's important to me that the formula captures if a shot was taken but an animal wasn't killed/tag wasn't filled, that should caught in your ratio by throwing off the denominator. and if you have only hunted once, shot, and didn't kill anything your ratio is ERROR, which means... get better
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Just a heads up, my ratio has mainly been for deer-sized game. I don't pretend elk, bear and moose are usually one shot kills. I know a lot of you shoot until they're down, including Randy, I have not added those kills in simply because I haven't hunted elk, bear or moose yet! I'm not saying you should only take one shot on them. Even with bigger WTs, one shot rarely sits them down!
2019 - 1 whitetail doe, 1 shot
2018 - 1 whitetail buck, 1 shot
2018 - 1 Bison, 2 shots (both lethal)
2017 - 1 Moose, 1 shot
2017 - 1 Elk, 1 shot
2017 - 1 whitetail buck, 1 shot
2016 - 1 whitetail buck, 1 shot
2015 - 1 Elk, 1 shot
2015 - 1 whitetail buck, 1 shot
2014 - 1 Elk, 1 shot
2014 - 1 whitetail buck, 1 shot

2019 - 1 whitetail buck, 1 miss
2018 - 1 whitetail doe, 2 shots
2017 - 1 whitetail doe, 1 shot
2016 - 1 whitetail doe, 1 shot
2015 - 1 whitetail doe, 1 shot

That's back as far as I can reliably remember as I've never really kept a tally. The last time I remember missing an animal with the rifle was an elk in 2003. The thing I am more proud of is that I butchered them all myself, except for the Elk in 2017. I was mid-butcher on the moose when I shot the elk - and the wife looked at me with the "this ones going in" look.
2019 - 1 whitetail doe, 1 shot
2018 - 1 whitetail buck, 1 shot
2018 - 1 Bison, 2 shots (both lethal)
2017 - 1 Moose, 1 shot
2017 - 1 Elk, 1 shot
2017 - 1 whitetail buck, 1 shot
2016 - 1 whitetail buck, 1 shot
2015 - 1 Elk, 1 shot
2015 - 1 whitetail buck, 1 shot
2014 - 1 Elk, 1 shot
2014 - 1 whitetail buck, 1 shot

2019 - 1 whitetail buck, 1 miss
2018 - 1 whitetail doe, 2 shots
2017 - 1 whitetail doe, 1 shot
2016 - 1 whitetail doe, 1 shot
2015 - 1 whitetail doe, 1 shot

That's back as far as I can reliably remember as I've never really kept a tally. The last time I remember missing an animal with the rifle was an elk in 2003. The thing I am more proud of is that I butchered them all myself, except for the Elk in 2017. I was mid-butcher on the moose when I shot the elk - and the wife looked at me with the "this ones going in" look.
Awesome job, thanks for sharing! How was butchering that bison??
Just a heads up, my ratio has mainly been for deer-sized game. I don't pretend elk, bear and moose are usually one shot kills. I know a lot of you shoot until they're down, including Randy, I have not added those kills in simply because I haven't hunted elk, bear or moose yet! I'm not saying you should only take one shot on them. Even with bigger WTs, one shot rarely sits them down!

totally agreed. more shots isn't necessarily bad. i was about 2 seconds away from shooting that whitetail buck on my list again, he just stood there dazed too long for comfort, and thankfully he took quite a stumble right as i was gearing up for shot number 2 and very quickly was belly up, he was big bodied

the two shot antelope buck was a rushed shot that i didn't range, injured via the front right leg and luckily caught up to him. that was the 1st time where i thought about ratios being an indicator of careful hunting and started calculating it
2 shots 1 deer

1 shot 1 antelope
3 shots 2 deer.

I just never thought about it actually . I have been hunting and trapping since I was very young and we did/do it to put food on the table. Except for Elk and Wood Bison we can hunt without a license ( or a tag ) Some "extra" shots are just because we are lazy and dont want to fish them out of a water hazard, track them, or get mailed by them. I have shot three times on bears and moose almost instinctively, without really thinking about it. Possibly a different mind set even. I have gone out for a Caribou and thinking to myself o.k. thats done now I need to get blah blah blah done. Sheep and Goat are different as we have to travel south a bit to hunt them and I am using a bolt action instead of a lever action. This is possibly more than you wanted to know I could have just said we dont keep track of how many times we shoot an animal:)
Elk. 1 shot harvest
Antelope. 1shot harvest

Elk. 2 shot harvest

Elk. 1 shot harvest
Antelope. 2 shot harvest

Elk. 1 shot harvest
Antelope. 1 shot harvest

BHS. 1 shot harvest

every year waterfowl lots of misses
Elk. 1 shot harvest
Antelope. 1shot harvest

Elk. 2 shot harvest

Elk. 1 shot harvest
Antelope. 2 shot harvest

Elk. 1 shot harvest
Antelope. 1 shot harvest

BHS. 1 shot harvest

every year waterfowl lots of misses
Great shooting! Let's not talk about ducks. Let's just say that I bring about 3 boxes of shells to each hunt! 🤣🤣🤣
2019: pronghorn buck - 1 shot; zebra - 1 shot; sable - 1 shot; Kudu - 1 shot; pronghorn buck - 2 clean misses due to scope turret CZL2 error (discussed on other posts)

2018: cow elk - 1 shot; pronghorn buck - 1 shot

2019: Gemsbok - 1 shot; Reedbuck - 1 shot; Blesbok - 1 shot; pronghorn buck - 2 shots (1 clean miss, 1 hit/kill)

Many years prior to 2017, deer stand whitetails with 30-30 - mostly 1 shots from 30-70yds.
Nice shooting and data! Thanks for sharing!
Turkey over the last 2 years: 6 birds on 7 shots. One of the shots was low and I needed to follow up. 1.17

Archery WT
2013: 6 misses and 1 kill shot at 7 deer
2014: 1 deer not recovered
2015: 1 miss
2016: 1 deer not recovered
2019: 2 kill shots, 1 follow up on mortally wounded deer, 1 grazing shot, 1 deer not recovered, and 3 clean misses

Shotgun deer
2014: 2 misses and 1 kill shot at 3 deer
2015: 2 kill shots and 2 misses at 3 deer
2016: 5 misses and 1 kill shot at 1 deer
2017: 3 kill shots and 3 misses at 3 deer
2018: 1 deer not recovered, and 3 misses on another deer
2019: 2 misses at 1 deer

Rifle deer
2002: 4 misses, and 1 bad shot that required 1 follow up at 2 deer
2003: 1 kill
2004: 1 not recovered
2005: 2 kills and 1 miss at 2 deer
2006: 4 shots for 3 kills. 1 was a poor hit and required a follow up
2011: 1 kill
2012: 2 misses at 2 deer (broken scope)
Great detail! Thanks for sharing!
2019 Mule deer buck - 1
2019 bull elk - 3 (all lethal but he was still on his feet)
2019 antelope - 1
2018 cow elk - 1
2018 mule deer buck - 1
2018 antelope - 2 (totally stupid miss on a rushed shot the first day, but got the same buck in the same spot the very next morning)
2017 mule deer buck - 1
2017 antelope buck - 1
2017 antelope doe -1
2017 Sitka Blacktail - 1

So I guess 1.3 for me. All with a .270, ranges all between 70 - 330 yards.
Good shooting and thanks for sharing the data!
I appreciate all of the participation! This is a tool that keeps me in check and helps out identifying a problem. I take pride in fine tuning my craft!

I've had bad hits and frantic follow ups that left me sick. I will continue to log this and I will update after this season!
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