Schmalts hunts Elk near Gardiner

A lot of Texans think going to public land to hunt is putting your life in danger. Its less a question of ethics for them, and its more a question of life(private or controlled public hunt) and death (stupid shoot em up public hunt).

Yes, there are lots of public hunts in Texas. Our state record archery whitetail is from a public land hunt. But even with archery hunts here each hunter, or hunter group if there are buddies on one application, has their own compartment of land that they hunt in.
I think this is why there will never be more public hunting someplaces. Most people in Texas that I know, will not go public hunting because of stories like this.

Well said Tom...................................*LQTM*
A lot of Texans think going to public land to hunt is putting your life in danger. Its less a question of ethics for them, and its more a question of life(private or controlled public hunt) and death (stupid shoot em up public hunt).

I've seen alot of Texans hunt, they should be scared to hunt with others on public lands ;)

JerrM, I think you replied in the wrong post ? There is another one that talks about "Ethics". Well... probably several others. The one with the Guys in orange and deer hanging come to mind and the other one is the Golf Course Buck. Both would have been better to post the reply you did. I'm not disagreeing with you, but I think this topic is about Slob hunters and lack of practicing prior to the hunting season ?

AZ402, thats funny !!! Whether I'm, in your Click or not !!! :D Although.. LQTM ? "Laughing quietly to myself." I'm LMFAO !!! :D :D

What group would I fall into ? Would I be more of the Pop smoking principal ? I'm not the Jock, because I'm fat. I don't kill big SCHizz every year, so I'm not Elite..... Sign, I must be a Nerd, Except.... I don't know anything ... Man, I suck :(
Thank you, but no. I shot my first elk with a cow permit 4 miles from a road, and my second to last bull was killed in a btb only area and this years bull was shot after I waded the Gallatin at 4:30am.
You da man Brittney!

But if I was, wouldn't that undermine your theory? Because accoriding to you, these "opportunists" don't have the sophistication to fill out tag apps or the dedication to dream about next fall on an internet forum all winter.

Not at all you've proven my point for me Thanks Brittney.
Once in WY a retired Col. and I hit the ground because of all the shots going off. We saw a group of antelope running that we had been stalking and heard someone unloading their rifle clip and another clip or two. As the antelope swung around toward us, we hit the deck. After they passed we got back up. A guide and their hunter drove up to us in a pickup over the hill a few minutes later. They sped off after the group of antelope. So much for our stalk, at least we're alive.

I don't think you've seen many Texans hunt Moosie, but what do I know?
Shoots straight sounds like a a guy from Hamilton with initials RW, if so the too ugly part is true

Jerrym you sound like a guy from Hamilton with initials of JerryM. Hummmm so when I talk ugly you know what I'm talking about.. :D

Ah yes, things do get a bit boring around here after hunting season ends.
I don't think you've seen many Texans hunt Moosie, but what do I know?

Main Entry: sar·casm Pronunciation: \ˈsär-ˌka-zəm\ Function: noun Etymology: French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwarəs- to cut Date: 1550 1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain2 a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b: the use or language of sarcasm

Here's another one :

Main Entry: smart al·eck
Variant(s): also smart al·ec \ˈsmärt-ˌa-lik, -ˌe-\ Function: noun
Etymology: Aleck, nickname for Alexander
Date: 1865 : an obnoxiously conceited and self-assertive person with pretensions to smartness or cleverness

.....The Retired Col, wasn't from Ohio was he ?!?! Carry on.
Well, its just my opinion, until I learn different. I can still learn somethings if I try.

All I know about was the trip for rams, turkeys, and hogs and all I remember is one Texas resident there, plus one you saw on the way out. The Texas resident didn't hunt much helping everyone else go back and forth to the airport, etc.

Didn't mean to be a smart alec, just gave an honest observation. The typical Texas hunter has a long term lease, either season (3-4 months) or annual (all 12 months of the year), have you seen any of those?

It doesn't matter, this thread is about somewhere in the Gardiner area anyway.

I can attempt to withdraw from the thread, but somehow I doubt I will. haha
This has been a great thread

Just came back from the late hunt

Took an old guy who barely made it up the mountain

He got a nice little 5X raghorn and I ended up doing the hauling... :)

The first day and a half when we were scouting high areas from the roads, other "road type" (and there were plenty) hunters looked haunted and troubled (I'm assuming because the season was almost over and they were obviously elkless)

They were glassing and droving all over the place like mindless fools

I didn't see any elk in any trucks in the process

We headed up about 4 miles in (snow was about a foot deep and the temps were definitely warmer hanging in the inversion layer above the valley below)

Didn't see any tracks until we got to the fog line, then they were every where, set up a small camp and started chasing tracks

An hour and a half into the chase and had this elk on the ground

My friend shot it while it was resting with a group of about 8-10 (I don’t believe he will have many more high country hunts in him, so this was especially memorable)

As he processed the bull, I headed back to the truck for the sled, we spent the night talking over interests of the past, eating tenderloin roasted over the fire on a stick

The rest is history...

This was in an extended area, open to either sex, fair chase, no horses, no goofballs, no slob hunters, not to far away from the unknowing mainstream mayhem just below us...

Any of these hunts are what you make of them, no matter where you go in life, you will have the lazy slobs, and that includes outside of hunting

It’s the experience that counts and what you want to get out of it, no more, no less, no matter where or what your hunting... :)
...good job Russ. You should thread this story with pics...

That way, the gang can slam you on both threads....:D

I may put up a pic of the elk lying in the snow, but nothing with people in it

Don't need Greenhorn photo chopping good people’s pics for his late night desk top amusement, then pollute this board with such things... ;)
Way to go Elk....on breaking this thing up. ;) Congrats on helpin' in on a late season Bull too. I thought maybe it was a little too early in the "off" season to bickering like this already. ;)

That's great guys are out still trying to get it done....more power to em'.
Sure ElkChsr, take of a good post with "Hey look we got an Elk" ;)

Kudos Brotha !!

.. Now, Back to fighting please..... :p

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