PEAX Equipment

Saw a big SOB !


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Saw my shooter for sure! it was a WT that would go 150-160 class. I never saw one this big on my land before, saw him today but out of bow range. I saw 4 different bucks today and the next biggest was a 110 class deer. I would kill him too because i saw him last year, he has a shitty rack that has not improved much and should be removed from the gene pool. He has a big fork on one side an 4 on the other.
I hope to get a shot at the whopper, it would be my best buck ever ! he is a heavy long tined 10pt with nice mass, and tall!!! not much spread, maybe 16-17 inches but tall!!!!!!! next weekend will be a long wait....
Good luck and I hope you get him.
get on-um!
good luck schmalts!
He went right under my stand this weekend!! and guess what, i was in a different stand 80 yrs away.. DAMMIT! next weekend bros, maybe. Actually on top of that i saw a different 10pt but i was in a stand that is very thick brush. He was within 30yrds but no shot, he was chasing a doe and never came to the shooting lane. Its been a good year for seeing deer, just hope i can connect here soon. And unlike Moosie i will have my hat ready for the photos....

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-04-2002 08:36: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>