NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Rosie gets married

I saw an interesting debate on CNN, and Mayor Newsom made the lady Congressperson from Colorado (who is introducing the Ammendmenant to Congress) look like an uptight intolearnt fool.

Newsom probably ended his national political aspirations, but he might just change the course of this nation's history, for better or worse (pun intended....)
[ 02-28-2004, 11:56: Message edited by: RogueWarrior1957 ]
You know, I couldn't give two shits one way or the other, but I've thought about it and I can't see one way that who someone else chooses to marry will affect me. What am I missing here? Don't give me that "sanctity of marriage" crap, because if anyone cared about that they'd be doing something about the fact that over 50% of marriages between men and women end in divorce.

So what is it? Are these butt lovers destroying wildlife habitat or poaching untold numbers of trophy elk? And why would you want to close the door on the aspirations of those Montana elk hunters? ;)

Oak, it has nothing to do with the sanctity of marriage. It has to do with decency, and the right thing. This has been going on since the beginning of time. It just wasn't as public as folks want to make it today. They know its wrong, they want to make it acceptable. They teach in school that "diversity" is ok. That its ok for Jane to have two Mommys or two Daddys. But hunting is wrong, gun ownership is wrong, correcting your children is wrong.I don't accept it, my moral standards will not allow it.
Why do I have to learn to be accepting of gay people, pornography, and the ways of others. These same people are condeming me for hunting, gun ownership, and not accepting their liberal ways.
They want to be QUEER, they can be QUEER, but it is not natural, and should not be taught to our children that it is.
Oak- I agree 1000000%! I don't see where two gay people getting married will do much to affect me. BTW, the county I lived in while going to undergrad had a divorce rate of 83%!!! Now that is a revered institution! BUT, I can see where two lazy, uneducated, mooching, hetersexual people popping kids out left and right will affect me! Those people are the real drains on society.

I'm just wondering if Bush isn't missing a way to buy some votes here. We all "know" how flamboyant these people are, so imagine what legalizing their marriage could do for the economy!!! Caterer's, ice sculptors, florists, etc...would all be busier than rooster with 3 peckers in hen (or rooster) house!!! :D

For those that wish it "could be the way it used to be", I have a question. How many things that used to be taboo or considered "right" in the past now against the norm of society or even against the law?? Heck lets end women's sufferage while we're at it!!! (Just a obscure reference to the Man Show).
insurance is one that will be effected.
if your married(husband and wife) your wife and kids are covered by insurance through your employer(in most case's)
so now your employers insurance has to cover the gay married couple, and I am sure insurance will go up do to aids.

now GAY MARRIED couples since they are married and reconzined as being married can adopt kids, if they dont get that chance they will sue.

Co & tyler as far as the divorce rate,

Yeah its a bunch fo shit I agree with you, its just the way this country is going right down the shitter thanks to lawyers and judges. They are far too many people that look for the easy way out.

the only reason they are right in society now is due to lawyers and judges letting people get away weith the shit.If the people that make the laws would actually enforce them, things would be like they were back then. it all boils down to respect.

Going out on a LIMB here, I am going to guess that most homosexuals are LIBERALS. If they marry, and are allowed to adopt, their lifestyles will be thought to be normal. I am not suggesting the kids will be homo's. But they will lean toward the left. Just what this country needs, more save me from everything LIBERALS. We need a standard of decency, and right and wrong.
I don't know about you guys, but to me two guys together is disgusting, but two women together isn't so bad.
Of course the typical lesbian may not be as good looking in reality as she is in my imagination. What this has to do with gay marriage, I don't know. Personally I think they should live together and be happy with that. No way should gay couples be allowed to adopt. It's just not right, and it wouldn't be fair to the kids.

As far as the divorce rate thing...I can tell you why it's so's due to "women's rights." Women want their independence, they want to have their careers, yet still have children. They expect men to share the household chores equally, yet they still expect men to pay for everything. Just basically men in general are not seen as being important anymore, other than as a sperm donor and a source of money. Women want to get married, have children, then as soon as she gets bored she'll get rid of the husband and collect the child support, and find another guy to live with to pay all the bills. Oops, sorry kind of got off topic. :D And no, I don't pay any child support, but I do listen to Tom Leykus. ;)
Personally, I think the divorce rate can be attributed to the same lack of moral standards that contribute to the "Gay is okay" mentality. If people believed that divorce was wrong, and believed that way strong enough, the divorce rate would be much lower. (Duh.) But the general lack of moral commitment to what is right versus whatever doesn't affect me or whatever feels right at the moment or whatever I want is part of our society now - that is the difference and that is why we cannot go back to the way it was.

Remember, though, that the way it was also meant treating women and children as chattle, minorities as less-than-us, treating sex as something dirty, etc.

It'd be nice if we could pick and choose what to "go back to."

Why do gay people want to be "married" versus civil union? To me, marriage means a union recognized by God as well as the community. I guess it is all semantics, anyway. I have the right to believe that homosexuality is morally reprehensible - and you have the right to be wrong.
Cal. Hunter-good post and I agree, but what does "chattle" mean? :confused:

The problem is people get married when they shouldn't get married. IMO, it's too easy to get divorced, and that is why marriage isn't taken so seriously anymore. Women know that they can have kids with a guy, cheat on him, get divorced, and everything gets blamed on the man and he still loses everything including the kids, and still has to pay a ridiculous amount of child support. But that's just my opinion. And no I don't have anything against women, it's not their fault, some of them just know how to use the law to their advantage.
Mayor of N.Y. Town Marries Gay Couples
"NEW PALTZ, N.Y. - Up to a dozen gay couples began exchanging wedding vows on the steps of village hall Friday in a spirited ceremony that opened another front on the growing national debate over gay marriage.........."What we're witnessing in America today is the flowering of the largest civil rights movement the country's had in a generation," West said."........."

Homosexuals getting married isn't very high on my list of things to be concerned about. I'm more worried about loss of wildlife habitat in Rhode Island. I know a few people who are gayer than a tree full of chickadees and if they want to get married that's OK with me. I think they have just as much right to be unhappy as everyone else. :D :D What I DO like about this issue is that it's going to be interesting theater if it turns out to be a huge civil rights movement, as the mayor of New Paltz suggests.

There's no doubt in my mind that homosexuals are born that way. I don't think anyone would choose such a stressful life to live thru. If you guys think any man can choose to be attracted to another man think about this: If someone offered you fifty million dollars to make that choice for two days, could you? :D :D

[ 02-27-2004, 23:58: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]
I don't buy the insurance excuse as valid. What if one of my co-workers (male) marries another man. Both are career oriented, have jobs, and no kids. On the other hand, another co-worker (male) has a wife who doesn't work and 6 kids. Which is going to cost the insurance company and thus me more? Which case is more common?

Adoption...well, I've not decided either way. I guess it comes down to if one believes if being gay is genetic or behavioral. However, there are many hetero couples I wouldn't let raise a dog if I was "RULER OF ALL"!!

WH- I disagree with your assessment of divorse being directly related to women's rights. I also find you assertions/assumptions about women appalling and disrespectful. You would never say any of that about my wife. I guess the old adage, "It takes two!" doesn't work for ya? The case you made against women will fit some women, but it will equally fit many men.

"Remember, though, that the way it was also meant treating women and children as chattle, minorities as less-than-us, treating sex as something dirty, etc." The exact point I was trying to make, thanks CH!
Problem with gay marriage is this, once you allow the standard for marriage to be ammended, you take away the right to set any standard. If 2 men or women have the right to be married, then 1 man is equally entitled to have 5 wives or 5men could share 2wives. Once you give up the right to set a moral standard there can be only the standard of those who scream the loudest. You would be equally entitled to marry sheep if thats what gave you "fulfillment".
Never did understand having more than one wife. Who in their right mind wants multiple mother-in-laws :eek:
Washington Hunter, "chattel" is property.

Personally I liked it better when the nudie women pics were hung in the back of the garage, where only men could see it. When sex was talked about in adult company. When you could watch tv with your little kids and not worry about what was going to be said or shown. When sex ed was taught in a segregated health class, boys in one class girls in another. Everybody giggled. There were Homo's back then, but they didn't have parades. They didn't demand acceptance. Certain things should remain a mystery. Homosexual behavior, Sipowitz's ass on regular tv, Janets boob, etc.

The reason the divorce rate is so high. No one is committed to anything. People quit marriages because it gets a little rough. There is no personal responsibility. Washington Hunter, I don't put all the fault on divorce on the women. The guys are equally responsible. They have a couple of kids, realize their activities are restricted because of the new responsibilities and head for the hills.

Everything is acceptable, because there is a reason. Homo's are like that due to a gene. Alcholics are disabled and deserve a check from the government. People that divorce suffer from attention deficet disorder.

Things won't get any better, they will keep on deteriorating until the end. The good news is, everything will be accepted. The bad news it will be too late.
1 pointer, I wasn't talking about your wife, only women in general. Are you telling me that you don't believe our legal system favors women over men? It sounds like you are lucky and ended up with a good one. Many men are not so lucky and end up paying for the rest of their lives, and like I said, I don't blame women so much as I blame the legal system.

About the insurance thing, I almost have to agree with your opinion on that. I think rather than gays having to get married in order to get on their partner's insurance plan, the insurance companies should not require marriage in order for the partner to be covered. Anybody with insurance should be able to specify who they want on their insurance. Just because someone is not married, doesn't mean they should not get the benefits that married people do.

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