NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Rifle Bull Videos and Books?


New member
Aug 10, 2006
Drew a AZ 7W Rifle bull tag, which I'm going to be transferring to my son. :) While not exactly a "prime unit", it's prime to me, as it's where I hunted my first elk with my old man 20-some years ago. I'm now passing the favor on to my kid, and I couldn't be happier that it's going to happen sitting in the same elk camp and over the same fire ring as I sat with my recently deceased old man many years ago. Going to keep expectations realistic, and am hoping for a 4x4 or 5x5 for the kid, but will settle for anything sporting headgear after day 3.

I just came back from a 10 day scouting trip out there to re-familiarize myself with the area and find some potential hunting areas. I grew up there until I left for the military, and am now an out-of-stater (though I hope to rectify that soon). Plan on taking several more trips out over the next few months, spending weekends out there between work weeks, and will also spend the week before season out there scouting. I'll be busting my butt to get the kid a bull, hopefully a branch antlered bull.

Having said that, it has been 20 years since I've taken to the Northern Arizona woods (or any woods) in pursuit of elk. I need to brush up. Most of the videos and books seem geared towards early season archery hunts. If anyone could recommend any good and worthwhile videos or books which will help with post-rut late season hunts, I'd appreciate it. I just recently picked up "Winter Bulls" off of a recommendation, and it was pretty good. Looking for more though, and hopefully some good educational reading. I'll be working my way through all the threads on here in the mean time.:D

Thanks for any tips!

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