Caribou Gear Tarp

Return Of FECLNOGN !!!!!!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I see you browsing, HOW ya BEEN ?!?!?! You "home" for good ?
Well I guess I am home so to speak. I got caugt up in a scandal about a year ago and as a result of the patriot act I was on vacation in Cuba for an extended period of time. I was looking for a way to extend the range on some of my prototype elk shooters and was in negotiations with a man with a towel on his head and a funny looking beard. I met him in the mountains while hunting sheep in Afganistan. Well I made a deal to have two dozen rocket launchers sent to me here in NM for an upcoming hunt to Alaska. I figured that would help move my gerbils down range a little better than my PVC gerbil cannon. Well to make a long story short the the launcers arrived and I was met by two guys with some cheap looking suits and was told I was going to some place called GITMO. I got to tell that place really sucks and I am glad to be back. Unfortunately the guys kept my elk shooters so its back the drawing board.

The other reasons for not being here that much is I just dont have much time. I spend most of my time reading the various forums, Bowsite, Hunt Talk, Democratic Underground and some tech boards out there but I dont post much.

I will try to do better in the future


S. Fecl
Consider it your patriotic duty to post something funny here once in a while.

Good hearing from ya Fecal, if that cannon of yours gets any faster, your gonna need teflon coated gerbils.