Repeat of Season 1 Antelope


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Not Virginia anymore!
Oh the ups and downs of hunting. Spent the majority of my opening morning with a game warden. Some jackass decided to start rounding up all the antelope on the property I was hunting with his ATV this morning. Thought this ranch was going to be lock for a nice buck since I was the only one hunting it (legally), but that doesn't appear to be the case anymore. I'm never hunting antelope in this stinkin' valley again. Looks like I'll be heading to Wyoming with everyone else next year.
Don't mean to laugh,but your post did have some humour to it....why has it taken so long to figure out this valley is FULL of jackasses with atv's.
Don't mean to laugh,but your post did have some humour to it....why has it taken so long to figure out this valley is FULL of jackasses with atv's.

You think this place is bad try Utah and now Idaho (No offense to my fellow bretheren in those states)
I grew up surrounded by inbred mountain men in Virginia, but not even they would put on a show like those idiots today. I'm hoping things will eventually settle down, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. I doe will be fine by me if that's what it comes to.
Hey now! Watch your mouth about Virginia! :) You might have been my neighbor. You know what they say about having a family tree that doesn't fork.
Try hunting the public land here in WA state. Its a joke most of time. Guess thats why I go to Wyoming and hunt private land when I get the chance. Love hunting on our own without outfitters but once in a while like a quality hunt so we book a hunt with one. Good luck mdunc8 hope the rest of your season goes better
Gerald, where in Virginia are you at? For some reason I feel like we've already talked about this, but I'm not quite sure. I grew up in Roanoke.