Man, if you are a dedicated waterfowler with money in your pocket, that is the place to go. I've heard nothing but good about the younster who runs the place....Erik Guggenheim.
Its way up north, compared to where I am, so I can't easily go check it out and I haven't been there, if that is the one. Its about a 9 hour drive I bet, from here. I keep wanting to go up there somewhere for Canada geese somewhere and haven't done it yet. Not that many make it this far south, although about 2 million waterfowl winter to the southwest of Houston. They are mostly snow geese, specklebelly, and Ross and blues and ducks. A few lesser Canada geese make it this far south.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-24-2003 09:44: Message edited by: Tom ]</font>
That web page talks about their hog hunt some and has some neat pictures. Hog hunting at night with a bow would be a little different set up than normal with a bow, but well worth it to get them. Pick a high moonlight time to go, I say.