PEAX Equipment

Rain in the South West ?


New member
Dec 23, 2000
From what I've seen of the weather maps, the Southern rockies have been getting some rain over the last week, is it so ?

Every night when I watch the weather, our fat assed weather man stands right in front of the rocky mountians on the big map that shows rain/snow, but it looks like some thunder storms have moved through the area.

What happened to thoses fires in Colorado ?
Did Arizona & New Mexico get wet ?
The incident report I got yesterday showed most of the large fires around the U.S. have been put out, the only large one left going is the one if Florida right now. There is a pretty big wet one comming over this area off the coast that will last day's so the weatherman and the internet state. :D
Dan: We have had some good rain the last week and a half. It came at a real good time for our antler growth. Things are greening up quicky right now.
Thats good to here, hope thoses rains help grow some more tags too !
I talked to somebody over towards the White Mountians today and he said the same thing, lots of rain/snow last week.