R.I.P - Copper

That really sucks...

Sorry to hear about your loss...

I hated putting my dog down, but it was a necessary... :(
BF, Very nice memorial post for your friend. I've got a couple great ones waiting for me and always dread the day I have to send another on his/her way. They are truely man's best friend...
Bummer man, I think that was one of the hardest things i ever endured when i had my buddy put down. Sorry to hear you had to do it as well. Guys say a pup cures a lot of the pain but i just couldnt do it. 4 years later and i still don't want to get another dog just because.
Man these posts always hit me hard. My lab is only four but already I am dreading the day that he goes. I am truly sorry about your dog.
My sympathy extends to your family, particularly your son. I am considering a pup for our family, as our last dog's fear of fireworks got the best of him New year's 2005.

Heck of a time to lose a good hunting partner...

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