NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Question for some of you guys that travel out of the country.

pa mt man

New member
Feb 3, 2002
I just took a scuba diving course and it recommended a tetanus and typhoid shot if you dive out of the country. I went to my doctor today and she gave me a tetanus shot but no typhoid. She gave me a government telephone # for the typhoid. The woman from the Dept. of Health said I should have the typhoid , hepatitis A and the B if I plan on having sex with the natives. They don't give shots so she gave me a # for a private company and they want to sit down and talk about all the shots I'm going to need(typhoid and Hepatitis A and B) and what diseases are in all the places I'm going to visit. She said the hepatitis shots are a series of shots,so that's out since I'm leaving in a month. I'll probably get the typhoid. I went there a year and a half ago without any protection but now I'm running scared. It costs 45.00 for the chat so I'll probably do that or do you think I'm going Howard Hughes? :D
Hepatitus A is 2 shots, 6 months apart, for permanent immunity. I got the first shot before going to Africa and am due for the second one now. Hepatitus B is 6 month series of shots, I believe, and I did not get those.

My doctor was able to get all the shots, even if he had to order the vaccine in advance.

I would not do the "chat," and would just get the shots the Health Dept recommends.
Definitely take ALL of the shots. It's not too late for the Hep A & B series. You just need to start the series prior to travel.

I travel quite a lot to Asia for work. I've had them all (Hep A/B/C, Typhoid, Malaria pills, Yellow Fever, etc...). Definitely better safe than sorry in this department!

Good luck!

I have done dives in all of the Carribean islands and Mexico. Have also travelled to europe a few times and never was told to get a typhoid shot or any hepatitis shots. Where the hell are you going to dive at the Sudan?
I spent some time on the Amazon a few years back and got all kinds of shot. Yellow Fever, tetanus, hepatitis, gamma globulin shot. If the need was there to get it I got it . LOL

Better safe then sorry.
I have done dives in all of the Carribean islands and Mexico. Have also travelled to europe a few times and never was told to get a typhoid shot or any hepatitis shots. Where the hell are you going to dive at the Sudan?

That was one of the Questions on the PADI test. What two immunizations are especially important to keep current? Answer, tetanus and typhoid.

The hepatitis A and B were the Dept of health reccomandations for persons traveling to Cabo San Lucas. I'm diving at Cabo Pulma.

I just got off the phone with my wife and she was shocked I didn't have my Hepatitis shots. She said"Everyone else in the family has them.She thought I had them."

WTF!!! :confused: :mad: She makes all my doctors appointments. She knows my medical history better than I do. When did I have time to get these shots? I guess that's why she bought that big term life insurance policy!:D

I talked to my dive partner and he say's "screw it". I guess that's what we are doing. He 20 years younger and in shape so I guess he's going to live and my wife will get a windfall.