Poison Ivy


Active member
Jul 31, 2015
This poor kid gets it so bad. He started to show signs of it last night during the Packer game but we thought he was just really tired from being up early and all day. He also struggles with allergies.

For my entire life I never got it, my dad never got it I think I was immune to it. I do get it a little bit now and then but this boy gets it terrible. My older boy never had it and does the same stuff. What can I do moving forward to avoid it? This kid loves to be outdoors.

I keep "tecnu" lotion in the car and a big jar at home. In the spring while chasing turkeys, when I get back to the car, I go through a ritual of tecnu whether I feel like I was involved with any poison ivy at all. Rubbing it into hands, face, neck (the only exposed skin during my hunt), leaving it on for a minute or two, gently wiping it off, and then a second lotion application if I know I was NEAR any ivy. All hunting clothes are bagged, and washed as soon as I get home.

If I did miss some poison ivy exposure , tecnu applied to the affected spot/s several times that first day that it noticed, helps quite a bit to reduce the severity of the outbreak. OTC antibiotic ointment with numbing can help reduce the itchiness/pain experienced as well.

As a dentist, I am very aware of keeping my hands away from my face (treating my time in the poison ivy woods as if I was gloved up doing surgery on a patient). Most people are unaware of how often they touch their faces with their hands.
Good point on the cloths. I just called my wife and told her to make sure he doesn't touch anything he was wearing yesterday. I am going to get it all in the wash as soon as I get home.
Wash his clothes after every time out. The oil can stay on clothes, including shoes, for at least a year. Shower with hot soapy water after each outing, and like mentioned keep hands away from his face, and be careful when going to the bathroom as well.

I received a steroid shot for poison ivy after a breakout while in college. I didn't get poison ivy for about a year afterward and still do not get it as bad as I used to. Maybe that is something you can look into?
Wash his clothes after every time out. The oil can stay on clothes, including shoes, for at least a year. Shower with hot soapy water after each outing, and like mentioned keep hands away from his face, and be careful when going to the bathroom as well.

I received a steroid shot for poison ivy after a breakout while in college. I didn't get poison ivy for about a year afterward and still do not get it as bad as I used to. Maybe that is something you can look into?

I remember getting a shot when I was a kid. I still get poison ivy but not near as bad as I did before.
Ditto to washing anything he was wearing including boots. Also if he is really sensitive to it you might want to throw a towel over the truck seat and then wash it too. It can be transfered pretty easy. I have had really good luck with using bleach on any ivy I get in the shower. Wipe it on with a wash cloth and rinse it really good. I don't know if I would recommend it to a child though.
Ditto washing clothes and ivy dry. My wife once found wipes especially for poison ivy. We used them a lot one summer but can't find them now. They seemed to work really well.
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