Yeti GOBOX Collection

Poison-filled frankfurters have killed a seventh dog


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Several dogs have died after eating poisoned meat in Buffalo Valley and in the Alpine area.
Now, a possibly poisoned hot dog has turned up in the town of Jackson. A dog owner in the 300
300 block of South Willow saw their dog pick up what appeared to be a half-eaten hot dog.
The owner took the hot-dog away from the dog and turned it in to the police department.
According to Police Sergeant Alan John, final tests are not yet in, but from the meat
looks similar to other hot-dogs that have tested positive for toxic substances. Several
hot dogs that have been tested in the case so far have been laced with a common pesticide. The police
department encourages all dog owners to keep a close eye on their animals and be
cautious about what their dogs are eating. Any one with information about the dog
poisonings should call the police department at 733-2331 or 733-1430.

April 13, 2004

Poison-filled frankfurters have killed a seventh dog near Jackson, prompting
warnings to backcountry visitors and their pets as law enforcement search
for a culprit. The pesticide is known as temik and has sickened three dogs
in Idaho and could be responsible for the deaths of two dogs in Daniel last
month. Another dog became ill from the poison near Moran last week. The
Wyoming Game and Fish Department along with Teton County law enforcement
have started warning area residents of more possibly tainted meat, asking
them to keep their pets close by and report anything suspicious. The tainted
meat should not be touched, as well as any carcasses that may have been
poisoned. The poison can be absorbed through the skin and is fatal. The
poisonings have come at a time when the federal government is preparing to
transfer authority for wolf management over to the states. There has been
controversy with Wyoming and the federal government over details on how
wolves should be managed here.

April 9, 2004

In Alpine Wyoming, several dogs have died over the last few days after
ingesting unidentified, contaminated food items that were found along the
Greys River Road and the Little Greys River. It is thought that these items
were likely contaminated with a highly toxic substance that resulted in
death. Visitors that recreate in these areas should keep away from any food
items found along these roadways and restrain pets and other animals to
prevent them from ingesting any contaminated items. Since the toxin could
potentially be absorbed through the skin, it is advised not to touch or
handle the food items in any way. Anyone with details on the location of
these suspicious food items or
information about the person(s) responsible, is urged to contact Lincoln
County Sheriffs Department at (307) 885-5231.
It wasn't me...I have solid alibies and my modus of operendie for doing in loose dogs is to shoot them any way...
OOPS, this isn't about me is it...LOL!!! :D
It's not a good thing that some one is doing this, I would suppose though that the thought crosses some peoples minds when the police won't do any thing about roughe dogs and the owners don't care...
I have had lots of thoughts on this kind of stuff when I end up with piles of crap by my truck in the drive way and My dog can't get out of the yard because of the chain link and electric fence... Plus my tires are alway's being nailed by other peoples lose stray's....
To this end, I hope the guy doesn't get caught...
Elkchsr, I have to disagree with you on this one.
I hope they find the guy.
Get rid of the offending animals dont target all of them.
Everyone should be able to take a walk with there dog or kids and not have to worry about getting poisoned.
Chaser.. not everyplace is like Andaconda and Butte! In the civilized world... dogs don't out number humans! ;)
I do agree with those facts you have put up, what I don't care for is others letting their dogs just run around the neighbor hood unattended.
We have a dog and he has been around most all of this town, the difference is that he has a leash on or is under direct supervision. I aplaud those that take on the responsibility to take proper care of their pets and not let them run all over the place. I don't think there is a place in the U.S. that some inconsiderates let their pets loose to do what it wants. Why should I have to put up fences to keep their animals out?
Debbie it would be great to get rid of the offending animal, but the law has no teeth to do such. If you live in town and shoot one, you go to jail, if you make it dissapear, they will just get another one and let it do the same thing. If you go to the offending dogs house and get on it's owner, then you are the one that is percieved as the jerk.
I am just saying, if these people are going to have a pet, they need to take on the responsibility of ownership and be a good owner.
I would not condone openely putting baits or traps out where they can be affected by just any one, that is definatley wrong.
Some thing has to be done...The bad apples in all the topics on this board that bring a lot of flak are the result of a few jerks... ;)
The poisonings have come at a time when the federal government is preparing to transfer authority for wolf management over to the states. There has been controversy with Wyoming and the federal government over details on how wolves should be managed here.
From this I got the idea that the authorities feel this has to do with somebody trying to kill wolves. Which, to me didn't make sense...would wolves eat hot dogs laying around town? I don't think so. Anyway, whatever the reason, whoever is doing this needs to be shot, and I will gladly volunteer to do the shooting. :mad:
WH, in Buffalo Valley up by Moran, I would not consider that a town by no means. It is very much country as well as parts of it being in Teton Park. You can count the houses up there with your fingers.

Alpine is also just a little town that just recently got a grocery store.

I also hope they do catch the SOB and cut his friggin nuts off. It is quite obvious this person is a friggin whacko.
As someone who has lost a dog because it was poisoned by someone, you all should understand how I would feel about this.

It is not a pretty sight to watch a dog suffer from it. Not at all. I wouldnt wish it on anything or anyone.

May the person doing this come to their senses.