Caribou Gear Tarp

Poaching Ring Broken Up In Ohio



Poaching Ring Broken Up In Ohio
Ohio wildlife officers say they’ve shut down a poaching ring that centered around a Jefferson County, Ohio, deer and turkey check station with the arrests Monday morning of eight people, including the shop owners.

Keith Beebee, and Karen Beebee, owners of K&L Sports in Richmond, Ohio, were the focus of the investigation. Also cited were Ken Dorsey, Michael G. Maurer, and Brian Benner, of Bloomingdale; Curtis H. Judy, and Steven Gamron, of Richmond; and James A. Schrecengost of Cortland.

Ohio Division of Wildlife (DOW) officials say they’ve filed more than 70 counts of illegally tagging and killing wild turkeys and white-tailed deer, over-harvesting deer and turkeys, spotlighting and shooting deer outside of the state’s hunting season and tagging deer in other hunters’ names. The investigation is continuing and DOW officials say more people are involved in the poaching operation. Additional charges are expected to be filed within the next few days.

....sounds like they were whacking and stacking...and half the county was invovled :rolleyes: ..and these folks ran a sporting goods store?......"attention shoppers, todays' bluelight speciall is all the deer and turkeys you can hammer for only $24.95!" :D
Sounds like the shop owners also ran a check station for the state and were checking illegal game. What a scam! Glad to hear that they caught them. Sounds like the state watched them for a while before dropping the hammer.

Is this one of those "single limb family tree" counties?? Doesn't sound like too many folks are real bright....

Exactly Dan! :rolleyes: of the Parishes back in Louisiana where I used to hunt had a family known as the body bothered those folks while they ran hounds 12 months out of the year and killed everything that was an unwritten truth. Game wardens would check everyone else, but steered clear of the roads the Heberts hunted. That is the God's truth! I know is sounds qerky, but I witnessed a Game Warden turning his head one day to violations pointed out by another hunter and he said "it just wasn't worth it".

I guess someone in Ohio decided it was worth it and dropped the hammer on a group who obviously was very comfortable doing these illegal activities. Way too many folks invovled to be anything but blatent disregard of the law.......

Strike one up for the good guys....
It's hard to understand how some can get away with most any thing while the rest of us get stomped for any transgresions...I'm glad the good finally succedded over bad in this case...
I want y'all to know that I dont go to that county. That is my story and I am sticking to it.