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One Pointer In AZ


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
This is a pic of onepointer and Anthony

Sunday mornign we went to set up camp... the road was rough as always(i think Tyler got a lesson in 4 wheeling)... After setting up camp we went walking a little befor it got dark... The area we were hunting in is very very thick with manzanita... Waterhole had alot of semi fresh tracks and one big elk track... We stayed up 3-4 am bsing sunday night.. called it a night and woke up about 8:30 am monday... we took a hike and I showed tyler some spots to hunt.. we saw a couse on the side of a hill right away... watched it for a long time then left.. Did some more looking around then I had to head back to phx... as I left the temp dropped about 20 degrees and was getting colder as the hours passed... Tyler called me on the cell phone and said it snowed for a little while and rain for a long time.. He said he seen a few deer that afternoon befor dark...
Tuesday he went out for a while and saw 2 deer, I talked to him on the phone and we decided to move camp to a better location.. The brush was so thick he couldnt sneak up on them.. On his way out he saw a buck cross on the road.. also saw something else thats posted in fireside...
We get to the new spot and set up camp. I took my son with me.. After setting up camp Tyler and I decided to try to do some calling for coyotes.. (my son was talking real loud at camp and the coyotes started barking).. we had no luck so we figured we would try on the other side of camp.. we didnt get but maybe 75 yards and we spotted our first couse deer in that area. A doe just sitting there looking at us... after maybe 5 mins she started to walk off.. she was about 30-40 yards away.. a buck jumped in behind her and followed her.. they walked with in 30 yards of the trucks and camp....
Soon as I get a pic of camp I will post it.... Tyler should have a good chance of sticking a buck tomorrow only time will tell...

Great Picture Del ,I see April trusted you to take your little driver out again with you .LOL
Ill bet you all a good time ,to bad work has to get in the way HUH ?
That would be sooooooo cool if 1pointer sticks something.
Will be waiting for updates.

Good luck to you guys. I hope 1 pointer gets
some action. While I'm sitting home on my
butt, you guys are out deer hunting. How cool
is that?:D Anyway, hope you both get bloody,
or die trying.:cool:
TELL Tyler to get out of his tent with that NEKKID guy (the guy on the road.. NOt your kid Delw) and to hit the hills.....

Seriously though .. GOOD luck to him.... Tomorrows last day I believe ?!?!?!
Talk to Tyler about 4:30pm today he had a shot but didnt take it.. he said it was at 50 yards and was getting dark...said he saw 5 deer today and lots of ducks
tomorrow is his last day
