Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

One last goose? Bitter sweet.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
If it wasn't for the broken leg I would not be goose hunting this time of year but I managed to drive out on a large mowed area close to a golf course in hopes of fooling a pest goose into decoys. I didn't think Zeppelin would have another hunt before we put him down but this opportunity came up. I had to lift him in and out of the layout blind but once in he was happy to snuggle with me. A lone honker fell for the oldest trick in the books. I lifted the old guy out and he was happy to do a stiff legged retrieve for me. It's a good day for us both.


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Thanks for doing that for him, and sharing with us. Retrievers will always retrieve.
What a great day! Glad you could take him out again.
Thanks guys. It's so sad seeing your buddy go downhill fast. I will still be in a cast for another week so the old guy may get one more chance. Today me and the wife took a slow ATV ride down to the river, we got there and the wife said she heard his dog tags jingle. Sure enough the old fart followed us and by the time he got down there he was dragging one back leg and couldn't stand upright on the other. The wife stared crying when I asked her if she still thinks he's going to be around come snow fall. I picked the old guy up and put him on the ATV and drove him back. Plan is when his Rymadil bottle is empty his time is up. At least that's the plan. It's so hard to tell yourself what's best for your dog and not feel guilty.
I went through the same thing with my Great Dane. I never got to take him on one last rabbit hunt because his hips gave out too quickly. I was stressing about when to put him down because his personality and love was still there, but he ended up passing in his sleep. He was an amazing dog, best friend, travelling companion and hunting buddy there was. I got 10 1/2 amazing years with him, which was way over what he was supposed to live according to the vet.