OK, you won the lottery, first rifle?

A lightweight mountain rifle in a .28 caliber. Sub seven lbs. with a full size scope.

Then I would be sending the 4” x12”x 7’ piece of black walnut my grandfather cut back in about 1970 off to my friend for as many matching custom .243’s as he can get out of the wood. Hopefully, six. One for me and one for each of my children.
I'd probably just buy a bunch of old double barrel shotguns and a Mannlicher stocked rifle or two.
Can you give me details on the Mannlicher? Reason I ask is I recently found one and have no knowledge on the thing?
Weatherby mark v in the best wood stock they have probably in .243 or .257 for my unborn son.
I know this is blasphemous, but I don't know I would buy a rifle. I have what I need for everything I do. If I did anything, I'd probably have my side by side fitted for me. I'd donate an assload of money to charities within the community and I'd buy the OW Ranch and enroll it in Block Management. Then I'd hunt. A. Lot.
I’d be talking with my new best hunting buddy, Doyle Mossback, to see what he recommends for 900 yrd running shots on spider bulls, spider bucks, spider boars, spider rams, and spider billies.

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