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NRA Alternative?

Something interestingly curious to me is that the NRA sends out tons of snail mail, email and "get free stuff with membership" solicitations. Why is it that they have to publicize so many requests for more money? I dropped them a year or so ago yet I still get all the same stuff. It seems like money poorly spent. Membership money,,,,,
Flippin’ right?!? I’m a member because my gun club only recognizes NRA members for gun club membership. The NRA is predominantly appealing to the aged demographic.
You read any one of the shit articles in the periodicals and they flow the same. Man (though the NRA sometimes highlights white females now too and makes a BFD when they do) got some sweet rig to hunt private land, shot himself a dandy buck when feeders came on at 08:30. Then back to the homestead for pancakes and goddamn liberals trying to take our guns, God bless Wayne La Pierre. That’s it! Then next page has a cigarette ad.

I presume it works for now so that’s why the NRA does it. By regularly terrifying the members about how the government is going to take away their right to bear arms. NY AG’s investigation turned up $64M in unaccountable lost funds spent in three years! That’s SIX FOUR WITH SIX ZEROS. Then as a measure of good faith, the NRA fled to TX, claimed bankruptcy.
This is a bullshit shell of a fine institution that once was. Corruption has made the NRA weak and now it needs to get out of the way for some better options mentioned in this thread.
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Flippin’ right?!? I’m a member because my gun club only recognizes NRA members for gun club membership. The NRA is predominantly appealing to the aged demographic.
You read any one of the shit articles in the periodicals and they flow the same. Man (though the NRA sometimes highlights white females now too and makes a BFD when they do) got some sweet rig to hunt private land, shot himself a dandy buck when feeders came on at 08:30. Then back to the homestead for pancakes and goddamn liberals trying to take our guns, God bless Wayne La Pierre. That’s it! Then next page has a cigarette ad.

I presume it works for now so that’s why the NRA does it. By regularly terrifying the members about how the government is going to take away their right to bear arms. NY AG’s investigation turned up $64M in unaccountable lost funds spent in three years! That’s SIX FOUR WITH SIX ZEROS. Then as a measure of good faith, the NRA fled to TX, claimed bankruptcy.
This is a bullshit shell of a fine institution that once was. Corruption has made the NRA weak and now it needs to get out of the way for some better options mentioned in this thread.
I'm not a burn all the ships mentality, BUT that doesn't mean I think we shouldn't fight. We must not underestimate the threat these lib groups pose, or their vigor for enforcing their idea of control not matter how unreasonable it is or how out of touch with reality/goofy. But clearly, what could have been done with $64 million to help the fight?? That is a set ton of OUR dough. Diception ya think? And these board members should be held accountable too. Shut the NRA down.
if ukraine had our 2nd ammendment and every household had guns,,russia would have a much harder time rolling into another country,,long live our 2nd ammendment.
They’re doing better with borrowed guns than some of my friends with their personal firearms. 😜🤪 You think our tvs in america would play reruns of “how to make a Molotov cocktail” in war times??! Honest question!? Personally, I doubt it… 🧐

" the 1960s. This was part of an effort to keep guns out of the hands of African-Americans as racial tensions in the nation grew. The NRA felt especially threatened by the Black Panthers, whose well-photographed carrying of weapons in public spaces was entirely legal in the state of California, where they were based."

Racism. Hypocrisy.
gotta look out,,biden was speaking yesterday about ghost guns ,ect on tv,,,hes backed up by the anti-gunner crowd,trying to make himself look good l o l
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