Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

North Dakota Antelope Scouting


Active member
Jan 23, 2012
North Dakota
I was lucky enough to draw an antelope tag in my home state of ND this year. I had five preference points. Also, the season was closed statewide for four years because of harsh winters. I want to make the most of a tag that took nearly a decade to draw. The game and fish had a late drawing this year so I did not find out until a week and a half before bow season opened and I was in AK that week and a half. I have been focusing on scouting as much of the unit as possible before the rifle season opens at the end of the month.

I had been a little surprised by how few antelope, especially does, that I have been seeing. Below are a coupe of the bucks I had found in the first week.

My wife and daughter have made it out for a few of the trips. IMG_0992.jpg

Last weekend I found a few more decent bucks.

This one had some great prongs, but not much length. IMG_1041.jpg

This afternoon I was able to make a quick trip out and found this guy. He is by far the best buck I have seen in the unit. Any thoughts on what he might score? I am terrible at judging them, but know that if I find him on opening day I will be pulling the trigger. As of now the long pronged one might be my backup.
I wasn't impressed with the last buck till I saw the last picture. He's deceptive from the side. He's a no-brainer for me. Looking forward to seeing some more pictures. Good luck!
I was curious to know how many bonus points it would take to draw the tag. I applied this year and was unsuccessful. Can I ask what unit you are in? I've done some scouting for deer myself, and have seen a few nice antelope around.
I was curious to know how many bonus points it would take to draw the tag. I applied this year and was unsuccessful. Can I ask what unit you are in? I've done some scouting for deer myself, and have seen a few nice antelope around.

Yea it takes a lot of points to draw. With 5 points, alwayshunting was fairly lucky to draw I'd say. Have heard a few guys with upwards of 10 points not drawing. I mean with 10 points, your name is in the draw 1,000 times!
I was able to see the last buck again today in the same location. I kept my distance today so no new pictures. I spotted a few other smaller bucks today as well. I have not seen the third buck since the first day out. He had a real bad limp on one of his front legs. When the draw odds come out this winter I am guessing I probably had around a 40% chance to draw with 5 points.

406Family PM sent.
I agree, the buck in the last pic is the best. Good luck.
I don't know what he would score but he is a fine looking animal and as you said the best you have been able to find so I would go for it.
I was able to see the buck in the last picture above again this week. His harem was about half the size as before and he was running does and smaller bucks off while I was there. I also located a few other bucks over the last couple days.

This one's horns hooked back.

I watched this buck get his harem of a dozen does ran off by a little buck while he was chasing off the tall narrow buck further below. The little buck kept pushing the does further and further away while this buck was making circles around me trying to find where they went to.

The points on this buck nearly touch and he is pretty tall.

I am still thinking the buck from above that Greenhorn said would be about 73 inches is probably the biggest one. I was a little nervous with him being closer to the road yesterday. Only ten more days to go.
I'd say he was a good representative buck for the area. I hope you get a shot at him. Good luck!
Finally getting around to typing up a hunt report. I have been busy the last couple weeks with antelope hunting in ND and WY with a little work mixed in between. I set up camp two day before the season in order to spend some time scouting. I was hoping to keep an eye on the bigger buck from above while also trying to locate some more bucks. During the two days scouting I was not able to locate any larger bucks and was no longer able to find my number 2 buck, the tall narrow one. I did get to spend a lot of time watching my number one though. He spent much of the days running the same little buck all over his area and spent very little time with is harem. The night before opening day I watched him chase the little buck almost three miles from the road that he spent most of his time near. I was nervous of where he would be in the morning, but also glad that he was away from the road.

Our season begins at 11:00 am opening day, but I was at my glassing point an hour before sunrise because I could not sleep. Shortly after I saw a truck pull into the oil pad below that the buck liked to hang out near. My heart sank, but then I saw that it was just a pumper checking the tanks. As the skies slowly lightened I spotted the buck’s harem, but there was only the little buck with them. Then I spotted two things. Another vehicle pull into the well pad and the big buck bedded near the main road. My heart sank again and this time I knew it was not an oil worker. I thought about my options and went back to my truck and drove down from my glassing point. I ended up walking up to the hunter and his wife who also had a tag. We spoke shortly and I let them know that I intended to hunt the buck and understood that they did as well. He thought I should let up because they were there first and I was unable to explain that I was, but they did not see me. The buck had moved from his bed and walked over a rise in the ridge before I came and talked to them, but they were unaware of this.

After our talk I moved on to where I thought the buck would be heading and the other hunter left me with parting words that he would turn me in if I shot early and I assured him that I would not. After a couple hundred yards I looked back to see them following me. Shortly after I spotted the buck and knew they would as well. Fifteen minutes before the season found me laying in the grass within rifle range of the buck, but knowing that they were also sitting doing the same on the other side of the buck. He knew we were both there and was becoming increasingly nervous. He began to move towards the next draw. This put him in better position for me, but it was still 8 minutes to the season. I must have checked my phone a hundred times that morning just waiting for in to read “11:00”. He ended up running to the draw and out of sight. This resulted in the other two hunters and me both running to the nearest finger ridge. Unfortunately when I got to mine I did not see the buck below and knew that they could. I set up for a shot anyway. The buck appeared at the bottom of the draw at 350 yards. It was 10:57. He was nervous and getting ready to move up the next ridge. I knew I would have a shot once he reached the top if he stopped. If he continued I was confident of both where he would be heading and that I would be able to get down and up the other ridge before the other hunters. I looked at my phone again and it was 10:58 and the buck went out of sight as he went up the ridge. Moments later I heard the shot. With a little hope I watched the top of the ridge for him to appear running, but instead he came out the bottom wounded. They put two more shots into him and it was over. I was in disbelief that this buck that I knew so well was not going to become mine. I picked up my pack and walked back to my truck.

I was disappointed in not only the fact that I did not get the buck, but also the way the hunt unfolded. I knew if I would have backed off I would have regretted it later and at the same time I understand their point of view as they did not realize I was there already. I spent the rest of the day hiking 14 miles looking for my number 2 and 3 bucks without success. Again, I had a hard time sleeping that night, but this time it was not due to excitement. I will continue the recap with Day 2 tomorrow.
Wow. That doesn't even sound fun. At all. Sorry to hear about your experience for a tag you waited so long for. Props to you for being a true sportsman. I know I would have just left because I hate dealing with other ya hoos during a rifle season. It takes the fun out of the hunt for me. Hope you were able to find a good buck man....

It took me 7 points last year to draw (started applying as a junior in high school) and I put in 3 long weekends of scouting before the season. In all, I found 3 bucks total that I would want to go after but the top 2 were always on private. I was fortunate to find #3 with his 30 does at noon on opening day and make a successful stalk. Even though there are such limited tags, there is only so much public land and you are dealing with a lot of other tag holders for such small units. Hopefully your next post shows a successful hunt!
That's a tough situation to handle, and too bad the other hunters didn't realize you were there first. Keep at it, you'll find a good one.
That really sucks man. Sorry to hear that and hopefully you're rewarded with a good buck.
It sounds like you were in the wrong. A couple find a buck and pull in to hunt it, you race to your truck and drive over to them to tell them that you had planned on hunting that buck, even though they had spotted it first and were there first. In the end you are in a foot race with them to get in position to shoot their buck. Doesn't sound like it was much fun for them either.
, even though they had spotted it first and were there first. QUOTE]

I think you need to re-read. He stated he was there before daylight, and that he understands their situation.

If I put myself in the couples shoes and someone were to come up to me and explain the situation, I still wouldn't leave. What reason would the couple have to not believe him? They both still have the fair chance at chasing the buck. The other couple just happened to be in the right place at shooting time.
, even though they had spotted it first and were there first. QUOTE]

I think you need to re-read. He stated he was there before daylight, and that he understands their situation.

If I put myself in the couples shoes and someone were to come up to me and explain the situation, I still wouldn't leave. What reason would the couple have to not believe him? They both still have the fair chance at chasing the buck. The other couple just happened to be in the right place at shooting time.

I think you may need to reread . He was in the general area before light but he was far enough away he had to drive his truck over to talk to the hunters( It could have been 2 miles away). He also had not even spotted the antelope until the other hunters pulled in. He quoted"Then I spotted two things. Another vehicle pull into the well pad and the big buck bedded near the main road"

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