Caribou Gear

noharleyyet Elk mount

...digitized for Jose's esoteric sensitivities.:D

Barnes medicine & ivories in close-up. Both bullets hit bone, opened nicely, & retained pretty much full weight.

thanks again maurice..
Kinda creepy that JB keeps sneaking into NHY's house and taking pictures....

The mount looks great, but still kind of creeped out by JB's hidden camera antics....
Jose, ........ it's not really "sneaking" if a basement window is unlocked.
Hey Ken...

Great looking mount...

I'm surprised you didn't hang it above your chair in your office to show it off to all your clients... :D
Re: the quick turnaround,

My taxi is a good friend, an excellent craftsman, and also very good dude. He put all is other work aside and worked thru the weekend to get my euro done for me. I was shocked when he called & told me to come get it. He suggested adhering the ivories in place. The bullet presentation was my idea...wish I'd kept the cases but forgot to pick them up during the excitement.

...also forgot where I'd stashed my camera.:eek: