Nobody wants my money (AZ this time)


Dec 23, 2000
Ok, we discussed the potentially free hunting clothes from Cabelas in Fireside. Now a new issue.

I checked my bank account online today and found a refund from the AZ Game and Fish of all my big game application fees, eight days after I applied in June. I was immediately pissed, thinking that they screwed up and caused me to miss the draw. So I called them up a few minutes ago and told them about the refund. She checked the status of my application and said everything was in the system as I had applied. She didn't ask me more about the refund or anything. I did receive my hunting license in the mail from them right after I applied. So it appears that I got a hunting license and bonus points free in AZ this year. Guess I should call them back and ask them to please take my money, eh? I think I'll wait to make sure my bonus points show up next week.

BTW, I know of the many problems they had with double charging, etc, but I have one original charge and one refund. My account is definately not down the amount of my application. Sure would be nice if someone could get it right for once.|oo
Problem solved. They charged my account again at the end of the month, after my statement date. So I had a charge, refund and charged again 18 days after I applied. Interesting system AZ is using.|oo
AZ switched companies this year from what I've heard. It seems that it may not have been one of the depatments better choices.
Oak, Actually they do and that's why it's so difficult for us to draw a tag. They know we will keep sending them $150 plus per year, to get into the draw and if we hit, that'll stop.
It has been reported that the contract will not be renewed for the company that did the draw this year. That decision was made not long after the fiasco on the deadline date.
oak dont feel bad my cc card got a 42 refund today. however they till are sitting on over 200 bucks of my money. I am hoping that its because of all the tags I am going to get. ;)

Mike I would like to believe that , would be sweet wouldnt it... I would have to quit fishing for a few months and just scout.

I added everything all up and I come with about a 8 dollar difference from what the owe me to what the tags could be. I am really thinking I just got a refund on one of the several screw ups on my card.

someone said it would take 2 more days.
BTW my refund came at 10:30pm on the 19th to, so I am guessing they di refunds first?
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