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No Zoo Hunting ????


New member
Jan 12, 2004
I know we all don't think to much of High Fence operations......but what's your all's opinions on hunting at Zoo's ??

There's some pretty good game to be had, and a nice variety to boot......

Here's me having some fun with one of those Dinky Dog Deer..........I think in this case, you could say literally a DDD, LOL :D

Tom.....I hope you know that this topic is just in fun. :D

I had this goofy pic, and had to think up some lame excuse to post it..... :D

Elkhunter, there'a better one.....a guy got busted at this exact zoo a couple years back.....he jumped over the petting zoo fence and was caught doing a sheep........nice huh ??!! :rolleyes: I'll have to try and find that newspaper if it was really news worthy ??!!
Originally posted by Nut:
mmmm That never stopped ya from posting at RT. :D
Ignorance is bliss.......and all this time, I've been perfecting my ignorance
I had a great time hunting exotic axis deer at Brady Ranch in Florida. High Adventure Ranch in Missouri also offers affordable hunts.

The day is coming when free hunting on Public Lands will vanish. Your "leaders" in Washington DC like the money they receive from lobbyists too much. Watch for BLM lease holders to be able to charge a tresspass fee. It's in the works.
Well we off the topic now, but I am curious about your statement Teddy.
The day is coming when free hunting on Public Lands will vanish. Your "leaders" in Washington DC like the money they receive from lobbyists too much. Watch for BLM lease holders to be able to charge a tresspass fee. It's in the works.
Could you elaborate Teddy, specifically the last two sentences.
Couple yrs ago someone killed a buck out of the boise zoo and gutted it out on a campus property at Boise State University.