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NMG&F drops the ball ....again.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2015
Just did a quick read in the SF paper about a headhunting poacher who is entering a plea deal to get out of 41 of 45 counts of head hunting with 2 other nice young men. They shot over a dozen deer & elk, sawed off heads & left the rest to rot. They had a nice online headshop.
Bet he gets probation & that will be dropped. Bet his buddies do no time or get no fines in the end too.....Bet they are guiding or back in the trophy business in 3 years .
Bet I get bothered by G&F this year now ,for nothing...again.
You do understand that once a warden turns the case over to the prosecutor it is out of their hands? They can provide input, but its up to the prosecutor to decide how to handle it.
I though poaching violations were supposed to be a felony in New Mexico now. Did they not pass that law last year?
Yes, they passed the law in 2017. However, watching from afar, I haven't seen a great number of prosecutions. Hopefully, H4E is wrong on this one but doesn't look like it.
Yes, but todays article. Sorry I'm a pc dummie.
Pretty sure the lead investigative agency, NMG&F is one who recommends ,but the DA or AG would be the middle man before the family member judge......

If the PA and judge don't take it seriously, it's a slap in the face to the game officers as well.

Doesn't even mention a f-ing fine!?!? Sounds like he started confessing and naming accomplices from the get go, so it's not like they had to bargain for info to get the search warrant. Nothing to reward.

And why have the other two still not been arrested?

Judge and PA need sent up to AK for remedial education on how to handle wildlife crimes.
Suppossedly headhunting & such is $10k per animal for elk,deer,BHS.
I do know of one case the illegally shot bull elk garnered a $10k fine & loss of hunting rights. Outfitter involved also lost Lic.
That was 12 yrs ago & I turned the a-holes in. Declined reward.
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