Newbie from BC, Canada


New member
Feb 13, 2016
White Rock, British Columbia

I am a newbie from the Southwest of BC, Canada.

Really want to get back into hunting after a significant absence.

My father use to publish a fly fishing and hunting magazine, Western Fish & Game, many years ago and he was also a wildlife artist, my profile picture is a sample of his work. Of course being a teenage know it all I chose, stupidly, not to hunt. I did go grouse hunting with him as a youngster but nothing beyond that. Do I regret this, big time as it took until I was 47 to figure this out and long after I lost my dad to Cancer in 2004.

Well here I am, middle aged with a strong desire to hunt in BC and provide good organic meat to my family and avoid the the mass produced industrial farmed product currently available.

Randy, if you read this thank you for all the information you and your family have produced and provide to people just like me as I find it such a valuable resource. Bravo!!!


Pat Grundle
Welcome, Pat. I hope find some good advice here. Don't be surprised if many of us who dream of hunting BC end up asking you a lot of question.

You should post a few if your Dad's art work pieces out here on this thread.
Welcome to HuntTalk Pat. I hope you can enjoy adventuring with your kids and pick up free-range organic food at the same time.
Thank you for the reply and please find attached low res pictures of some of his work he did for the BC Conservation Society many moons ago.


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Welcome to the forum! I had the opportunity to hunt BC last September up north of you and west of Fort Nelson. Truly some of the most beautiful country I've ever seen. I'll be back in sept. Of 2017 to chase moose again!