New treestand


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2001
₵tral Oar-e-gun
Looking for a new lighter weight treestand to pack up into the "hills" and was thinking about this one (11 pounds):


Any other suggestions from those here in the know? I've got two other stands that I leave out on pretty much a permanent basis 'cause they are both heavy and not all that user friendly. What I also like about this is the two piece design so that I can get a bit more leg room than in the typical compact stand- I'm only 6-1" and change but I wear 38" length Levis and having your (unless your Sneekum) knees above waist is a real azzz killer!

I havn't shopped for treestands for quite some time. Bout 5 years ago I was in the market for the same thing with priority on lightweight feature. It still serves me well, but the gripe I have is that if the platform has frost, snow or ice on it, it is really slippery. The material looks very similar to the pic.

If I could do that purchase over again, I'd buy one that has lugs or teeth on the platform.
The most comfortable, easiest/quiet to set up and safest feeling stand I ever sat in, was the Fixed position Lone Wolf(The Alpha I believe). I also liked it because it didn't feel like my knees where above my ears when I was sitting. Add the adjustment on the back for leaner trees and you can't beat it..........................except it cost $190.

They also have the Assualt weighing in at 8.5 lbs but I never sat in that one.
Is this something that will be left in place for quite some time or do you think you'll move it a time or two? If the latter, I suggest a climber. Though I've only used mine a bit, I'm a big fan of the way the Summit stands attach to the tree. Plus, their climbers can be had for under 20# and you get to set the seat height. FWIW...

I havn't shopped for treestands for quite some time. Bout 5 years ago I was in the market for the same thing with priority on lightweight feature. It still serves me well, but the gripe I have is that if the platform has frost, snow or ice on it, it is really slippery. The material looks very similar to the pic.

If I could do that purchase over again, I'd buy one that has lugs or teeth on the platform.

Just a thought, but maybe spray it down with anti-skid, or the bedliner paint.
Thanks guys for the comments. Tyson/Ovis the bedline paint works great as does the spray on rubber which I also use on the chains to dampen any rattling on the stands I've already got. The main concerns for this one again are weight and seat heigt- I'd really like to get one that I could keep comfortable in for more than a couple of hours.

Tyler- Out here, where I plan on using it, a true climber is pretty much out of the question- not much in the way of clean boles on any of the more alpine type trees I'll be with my luck I'd turn a climber into a descender in a heartbeat :)

Thanks Dink, I'll take a look at the assult!
UPDATE: The assult looks great and the wieght is a + but the seat height is 20" which is the same as the ones that kill my legs and azz right now. I'd want more like 22-24" if possible. Don't know why thaey can't make a fixed stand with a pull-pin type of adjustable seat...doesn't seem like it would be fuggin rocket science!
No worries, Summit makes a hang on as well! If you haven't used them, the new climbers are pretty slick and IMO quite safe.
Marv, I looked at that same stand the other day. Looked pretty roomy to me. The platform is huge compared to what I have now.

I don't have to pack mine far, but the one that I really like is this one, you can just about fall asleep in it because its so comfy. I'm tall and long legged to, and it felt like I was sitting in a recliner.

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