PEAX Equipment

New to the west

Wow. 161 views an 1 response. Should have expected that from a hunting forum.

This one should be "on your own BRAGGING adventures" or maybe "Braggarts adventures on MY own".

How can you expect much after that? Trying to be funny? Sort of like the advice to keep the wind at your back and the sun in your face eh?
Unfortunately i was the guy that offered advice first because i did not know this guy would be an @$$hole. Yes he did send me a message thanking me but i refused the sincerity because there is none. To help explain his situation he dropped this on me..."Looking for someone to hunt with as well."

If you want to find Elk ive heard Brokeback Mountain is cranking right now so he might wanna check that out!!
I don't think you've spent enough time around here...most every post shows pictures of those that were with them...Even Greenhorn shows the help he picked up at walmart. I'm sorry you came here looking for love and are not finding it...there are many other sites to help you with that.

That's awesome...I'm going to have to remember the closest Walmart to where I'm hunting for sure next year! Thanks for the advice Greenhorn!
This is ridiculous with the reponses to the post where I was trying to get people riled up because I couldn't get responses to my original post

anyone that thinks I'm not a true sportsman and hunter is completely wrong

I've been hunting for more than 25 years and appreciated the responses where people were actually trying to help me out as I've sent pms to them already

my post DOES NOT say I've been living here all my life so I know where to says NEW TO THE WEST hence the original question of basically can you help me out

and if I ruffled your feathers with the 2nd and 3rd post on here, maybe you need to take things a little less seriously

that's all I'm gonna say about this

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