New to Montana


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
Wanted to introduce myself to all and looked like this was the best forum to do it.

Grew up fishing, not hunting unfortunately. Completed my undergrad down in Utah. Was a fly fishing guide for a time and started hunting. Went to Idaho for law school and hunting became my passion. Knocked down a few decent North Idaho whiteys and moved here to Bozeman last May. Shot my first elk here this year but deer hunting is what I work my a$$ off for and love every minute of it.

Now I can't get enough of it. If I'm not in the hills, I'm reading about it to better my skills or daydreaming about it.

I know it's kinda gay to share all this, but I got a lot of country to learn here in Montana and apply to most western states each year so I may just run into some of you at some point.

I look forward to sharing some pics, swapping stories, and just shootin the sh!^.
No problem, Spitz. Lots of gay guys from MT here. Hang around....

and you welcome the competition ?
I'm in Bozeman, apparently where all the gay guys reside :). Unfortunately for them, however, I got a hot wife and a 2 year old daughter at home.

The gay guys that BigHornRam knows of will have to look elsewhere . . . possibly Wyoming. I bet a few sheep could use some help over a fence somewhere.
Fess up fellas. You guys are just jealous of us Bozeman guys, and here are some reason why.

You wish you had all the yuppie attitudes to deal with.

You don't have a city commission that are deciples of Lenin.

You don't have real estate prices that are doubling everytime you open the newspaper.

You don't have the number of enviro/green groups that we do.

Most of you don't have wolves and grizzly bears to help control your ungulate population.

You don't have a low class neighborhood of temporary residents called the Yellowstone Club, where these part-timers complain that the roads don't get plowed soon enough.

Most of you don't get inundated each summer with fly fishing wanna' be's in their $3,000 wardrobes telling us we can't keep any of those fish we catch.

Most of you don't have to wait for five minutes while a college student stands in the middle of the crosswalk to visit about their new hairdo, making you late for your destination.

You don't have more realtors than homes to be sold (sorry Moosie, nothing personal).

Etc., Etc., Etc.

And for all these things, you guys call us gay, just because you are jealous of all these things we have that you wish you had.

Don't beleive them for a minute Spitz.

Welcome aboard!

Elk pictures, please!
Good luck with this group! I moved from Bozo in 98 to a MORE liberal , screwed up part of the state, though Bozangeles is catching up fast on most accounts! Have to admit that sometimes I do miss the Blue skies and the Gallatin valley!

Welcome to the board, and to MT.

I spent this last summer in Missoula studying for the bar exam. Pretty similar areas in a lot of respects. Although, luckily over here in Bozeman the women don't have quite as hairy of legs and armpits.
That I am. A fullblown lawyer/attorney/barrister/ambulance chaser, whatever you wanna call it. :)

And I appreciate the info mtmiller, think I'll enjoy this site a bit more than the other.

Are you dissing my neighbors?


I take it you lived in Moscow for a while.. I lived there for most of the 90's. Good whitetail hunting around there. One that got away my first year living and hunting there still haunts me. I also lived in Bozeman during the Mayor Kirchoff years and can appreciate Big Fins comments!

You guys are funny...

And Big Fin, you are a lucky guy... :)

Welcome aboard Spitz, were glad to have you here...

I second that statement above about lets see some elk pics...
My elk this year was just a cow. Saw a few decent bulls but held out for better. Ended up settling for a cow on the last weekend. I have a few decent pics laying around of N. Id whiteys I'll try and post.
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