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Aug 6, 2014
NE Oregon
Just joined and figured I would do an intro.

I am 32 years old and married with two boys 5 & 8 years old. I was born in Lagrande Oregon and raised in North Powder. I now live in North Powder as well again as my parents and grand parents. I have been hunting every since I can remember. My first buck I shot when I was 12 was a white tail that scored 148 1/8 and was #8 in Oregon at the time. My biggest passion besides my wife and kids is elk hunting, I have killed a dozen elk with a rifle all cows and spikes. My wife also hunts and killed her fist deer two years ago and my kids will hunt when they are a few years older. (they go now just don't hunt)

I moved to Washington for work about 9 years ago because i was more focused on work and starting a family than hunting. I only lived there for a couple years before i was able to find a good job back home. Once I got back home I started archery hunting elk since I had 0 preference points and will probably never hunt another elk with a rifle. After starting archery hunting I went without killing an elk for the first couple years mostly due to lack of confidence with my shooting ability, since then I have really stepped up my shooting and equipment and have killed a bull the last two consecutive years. A spike first and a small 255" 6x6 last year, my kids are getting older which makes it easier to get out into the woods to scout. I started using trail cams this year and have been averaging over 500 photos of elk a week for the last month and last week I got pictures of 9 different decent branch bulls in the 250 - 280 range.

Next year I am planing on starting to hunt out of state as well as Oregon so I can enjoy my passion a little longer each year. I will be hunting next year in Idaho with a OTC archery tag since I am only about an hour from the state line I will most likely hunt the Brownlee unit and expand from there.

Anyways hopefully I can contribute to the forum, I have pretty decent knowledge when it comes to elk hunting and am normally in elk almost every day the entire month of Sept. I have always hunted DIY and public land here in NE Oregon.
Welcome to Hunt Talk. I grew up near Adrian, Oregon and now live in Washington, just over the border from Hermiston, so I go through North Powder fairly often. That is awesome country you're blessed to live in. Good luck and hope to see some hunting photos and reports from you this fall.
Welcome to Hunt Talk. I grew up near Adrian, Oregon and now live in Washington, just over the border from Hermiston, so I go through North Powder fairly often. That is awesome country you're blessed to live in. Good luck and hope to see some hunting photos and reports from you this fall.

I am very glad I was able to find a good job out here so I could come back, I love the area. I hope to get to put up some good pics this fall, I posted a bunch of trail cam pics in the Elk Pic thread. Here is a video from my hunt last year.

Thanks for the welcome everybody.
Glad you're here. Got family in Bend and have stomped around your great state a bunch. Totally agree with you about archery elk, just so much more fun.
Welcome! This is a great forum that I'm sure you'll enjoy.
Welcome. I just moved to Pendleton and am slowing getting familiar with the area. Nice spot over there on the other side of the blues. Nice job on the elk. Did you draw the mt emily bow tag?
Welcome. I just moved to Pendleton and am slowing getting familiar with the area. Nice spot over there on the other side of the blues. Nice job on the elk. Did you draw the mt emily bow tag?

I drew it last year with 4 points. I probably wont draw it again for 20 years.
I drew it last year with 4 points. I probably wont draw it again for 20 years.

Awesome! I'll start applying next year and hope for the lottery win. Will probably just scout around some of the nearby units this fall for elk, since I'm still a non-res at this point.
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