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New memeber from North Carolina- First Post!

Nov 15, 2016
Bath, North Carolina
The name is Ethan, 19 years old and like all of you, I love to hunt. I love the land, the animals, the friends you make, and the stories you create. I joined because I like the idea of hunters being able to communicate directly and pass on experience, tips, stratagies, and advice. But I can't deny that Randy Newberg actually talked about this forum on one of his many many awesome hunt videos on youtube. I hope to learn from many of you as I am young and don't have that much experience but I've been in the field more than most at my age and consider myself at least an intermediate level hunter, Hahah. I normally hunt with my bestfriend Jonah. We have been hunting togeather for 8 years on our own now and recently are getting into filming the hunts we have. Still getting all of the required equipment to do it the right way, but I may post some novice videos sometime just for laughs. But glad to be here, I just want to learn and share the memories and have a good time. 2017 is the year I am going to my future place of residence, Montana hopefully.
Thanks for reading,
Ethan Gurganus
Welcome from just north of you. What part of NC are you from? If you're interested in western hunting this is a great resource for information. My one piece of advise is to get out west asap because jobs and families make it difficult later. Good luck.
Thanks for the reply! I'm from the beaufort county area east of greenville, near Bath, NC. My dad told me the same thing when I asked why he never goes on any hunts, so I plan to get it in while I'm free haha!
Welcome from Raleigh. Have you got in on any duck hunting or bear yet this split? I've seen a few posts from guys killing a few. I was headed west on 64 last Friday and saw a ton of boats headed east.
Haven't duck hunted yet, waiting till its a little colder and i want to get a nice buck this year before I focus on ducks but I've seen so many people going out but haven't been looking like they are killing much.
Quick question, do you tag people or just enter their name when you want to directly reply to one member?

Tap " reply with quote " on the bottom right hand of that members reply. It will show their text and then your reply. Or, if you want it to be private tap on their screename and it will give you the option of sending a private message.

Had family that used to live near Greenville, always liked driving there around sun down looking at deer.
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