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New guy says HI.


New member
May 1, 2004
Kalispell, Montana
I would like to introduce myself - my name is Terry Krogstad and live in N.W. Montana, Kalispell to be exact. This sight is pretty cool -lots of topics I can relate to. You are doing hunters a service providing this web sight - thanks Moosie. Love to hunt them elk with my bow but not above using the rifle if not tagged out in archery. Break my arm patting myself on the back having killed an elk 19 years in a row until coming to work for Plum Creek 4 years ago, batting 50 % now - having plenty of huntin time is key to my success for elk. Working for P.C. = little time off. Hunting mule deer in rut is a passion also, trophy buck or nothing for me. A dream huntin day is when high pressure lifts the clouds off the mountains about the 10th of Nov. Lots of radiant fog settles on the top 1/3 of the mountains once the snow comes in N.W. Montana. I usually hunt solo. Elk hunting time permiting my 6 pack goats go with and I set a bivy type camp in the way back and gypsy around. The one luxury in my hunting pack that I would least like to leave behind is my GPS, Krogstad's theory is the more nights you spend out wondering where camp is the heavier your back pack gets. The GPS is a wonderful thing, go farther with confidense, chase elk into the dark going away from camp and then finding your way back but still prepared to spend the night. What would you guys least like to leave behind when heading into the way back? One other thing special to me is my polar fleece bibs - lot of pockets and light weight. T.K.
Welcome aboard montanahunter! By the sounds of it, you have a passion for hunting big game. Moosie has a great place here so sit back and enjoy. Plum Creek....isn't that a big logging/timber outfit? If so, what do you do that doesn't allow much time to get away in the fall?
Welcome to Hunt Talk montanahunter. I enjoyed your introduction above. You are right, this is a pretty cool place and a lot if information is shared and a lot of fun is had. Hope you make this place your home. We love to read stories of hunts and love pictures, lots of pictures.
Welcome to Hunttalk fellow Montanahunter....

I have a cousin in Kalispell that used to be a guide for a lot of years. You seem to hunt like I do and dark just doesn't seem to be an issue. I will head cross country for day's at a time, setting up when I run into a good patch of elk, where ever that may be, and comming back in the dark using a GPS is a great way to go, especially when in new country and you want to stay until dark to watch that clearing, or to get back to that same spot the next morning well before light...
Wile - Plum Creek is as you stated plus they manufacture wood productcs which is what they do here in Columbia Falls. Lumber, plywood, medium density fiberboard (MDF)as well as a new high density fiber board production plant which is a major player in the wood laminate flooring market. My job is a first class boiler engineer licensed by the state of Montana. We produce the steam needed for production. The problem for me is there are only 4 operators licensed to run this high pressure boiler which runs 24/7. With only one week of vacation allowed per year for the first 5 years of employment and having to cover for the other operators who have up to 4 weeks of vacation per year I spend alot of time at work. waa waa waa. To make matters worse the 2nd week in September the boiler shuts down for maintenance Last year we worked straight through from Sept.10 to Oct.2 12 - 16 hours a day.waa waa waa. If you can pass a piss test and physical chances are good you could get a job working in a maufacturing plant for P.C. here in Columbia Falls. There have been job fairs to recruit new emploees, the human resource is tapped out with lot of workers being employed in the construction fields which is booming around here. Later TK. Be like a coyote - eat when you can and chit where you want.
Welcome to the Den of iniquity and the inestimable managing director Oscar, may your stay be long and pleasent and your stories be prolific and verbose, :D how in hell can you work where you get only 1 week a year leave :confused: man I complain cause I only get six
pleased to greet ya anyway mate.
LOL Jeff... :D
MH...It would be a very easy thing for the four of you guys to get together, seeing as there is only four of you and demand the company hire at least one more if not two to help fill in the space... Certifications go a long way as long as those certified make a unified stand...
hey Montana!I,m also in Kalispell there's a few of us now. I'm working on getting a montana chapter of NAHC going and also a flathead area sub group.My e-mail is [email protected] if you're interested.Shooting for a tentative meeting in July if we can generate enough interest in our area.
welcome MH, I have some friends I work with from Kalispell, You guys have the ultimate hunting grounds, I have half a mind to pole up stakes in this impossable state (for drawing a tag) and take that job in the mill you where talking about. But all just keep on dreaming I guess.
C.SHip... What if we started a Chapter for HuntTalk instead of NAHC.. We couple open Branches all over the States
Thank you all for the warm reception. C. Shipp a Montana Chapter of N.A.H.C. might be all right, what I have seen so far is turkey shootin,Whitetail deer huntin , bass fishin wantin to come west sometime and hunt elk bunch of guys who get a sticker and a magazine.R.M.E.F., N.A.H.C. and the like have spawned so many new elk hunters that the outfitters are spreading out like packs of wolves looking for new territory to acomodate their paying guests. Hunting has changed to fast, so many people profiting from something that not long ago was out of sight and out of mind for most. Father to son, hunting buddies, a family affair, now it is mainstream prostitution for the almighty buck. Selfish you bet, wrong side of the bed mabe, Boyd said in the paper this morning if you get in a pissin match with somebody or something to that effect, it was probably already inside ya from something previous. I must have needed to vent. 45-70 it rained hard at times this weekend, June is the wettest month of the year inthe Flathead. My brother has a model 93 Marlin 45-70 and I have a 32-40. Later T.K.
Sweet, Packgoater!

My boss has packgoats and I am really looking forward to employing them to pack some meat! I think they have got to be the best thing since sliced bread.

I'm down here outta Missoula, my boss is in Stevensville.

Welcome, show us some pics!

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