New Colorado elk hunter, is the draw even worth it?


Feb 26, 2014
Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Unless I win the New Mexico (elk) lottery, I will be hunting Colorado or Montana this year OTC. That being said, I'm trying to decide if getting into the points game for elk in Colorado is really worth it.

Based on the research I've done, I don't see much advantage to trying to build points in CO for elk. My goal is to get a "draw" tag every 4-7 years. I'm really not that interested in a 10yr program, certainly not in an opportunity state like CO.

Am I missing something? I'm sure telling me otherwise means adding another dude to the point hunt, but I'm one guy and its not like point creep isn't already an issue there. aLike I said, based on my timeframe, I will never be a threat to the top points folks.

Any thoughts or points I'm missing?
I feel it is always worth it if you are going to get to hunt a better unit "less people hunting" or in a better season. You apply for the point then get the over counter tag. I just get points in Colorado for now as I'm waiting to draw a muzzy tag I want 2019, but hunting Wyoming for antelope I put in for a hard to draw unit then second choice I put in for a tag that has left overs. Win Win I get a point to eventually hunt a good unit but then I'm also hunting that same year. Good Luck

I am a guy that applies for a skunk preference pint if available cuz never know if I may be jonesing to hunt skunks some day. :rolleyes:

if hunting OTC and just starting out with intent to hunt elk over the long term, putting in for poi ts only forst choice is a no brainer. You can't possibly know now if you will want to hunt a certain tag that takes 1 or more points. it does not have to be about chasing the near impossible once in a lifetime tag...

had you asked this question yesterday, the 31st, I would have said...go online and buy a 2016 annual fishing license to save money on 2017 pref point fee, $25 per species, unless you hold any hunting, fishing or small game license, in which case the pref point fee is waved. That savings is a real savings if applying for multiple species of course and not just a single species.
That question to me would depend a lot on your weapon choice. Archery or Muzzle loader is a no brainer, lots of units between 4-7 points. Regardless of quality, I like those types of hunts to cut down on the number of folks in the woods with you. Rifle tags there are a few 1st season tags in that range. I personally am not a huge fan of 1st season in CO, mainly due to calendar conflicts, but again, with no OTC tags available not having every Tom, Dick and Harry in the woods with you is a plus.

I would suggest coming out and doing OTC archery for a few years to learn an area or two while you gain points. There are some good units you can get 1st and 4th season tags for only a point or two.
Thanks for the insight. Its certainly not an expensive state to build points in. I suppose for a few years it can't hurt and in the end it may be nice to pull the trigger on a draw tag for archery or a 1st rifle. I may just have to pick up a muzzy one of these days.

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