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Nevada muleys, here I come!

BB; so many things go through your head -- you question and second guess everything. Maybe you're flinching. Maybe you're pulling. Maybe you're shaking. Maybe the rest isn't good. Maybe the gun is off. Maybe the barrel is fouled. Maybe the scope is broken. Maybe the bases or the rings. Plus, there was never a time when I could sight in -- I was into animals like nobody's business and didn't want to push them out unnecessarily. At any rate, it was the gun and I'm getting it fixed this week (before my big MT elk/deer hunt next month). When you read the rest of the story, it will come together.

I'm off to my daughter's soccer game and will post the rest when I get back home.
BB; so many things go through your head -- you question and second guess everything. Maybe you're flinching. Maybe you're pulling. Maybe you're shaking. Maybe the rest isn't good. Maybe the gun is off. Maybe the barrel is fouled. Maybe the scope is broken. Maybe the bases or the rings. Plus, there was never a time when I could sight in -- I was into animals like nobody's business and didn't want to push them out unnecessarily. At any rate, it was the gun and I'm getting it fixed this week (before my big MT elk/deer hunt next month). When you read the rest of the story, it will come together.

I'm off to my daughter's soccer game and will post the rest when I get back home.

OK! OK! I didn't mean to bust your chops. But you have to admit, it was starting to sound fishy...
Starting to sound fishy? Sheesh! :D

Wednesday, October 7th

Again I woke at 5:45 and got ready. I opened my door at 6am to discover a couple does and yearlings feeding a mere 100 yards from the truck. Very exciting considering I was about ready to head home. And, a bonus...the herd of elk is in the same valley I'm in and the bulls are bugling like no tomorrow. Very cool! I glass for a bit and see 2 herds of deer to my west and southwest...both about a dozen each with bucks in them. The problem is the open to stalk them and get within distance. So, I'm standing there trying to figure out how to hunt them when a couple of quads come rumbling down the road past me and up over a ridge. They scare the herd of elk into the next canyon (these guys didn't see any of the elk or the deer since they were screaming past). The sound of the quads fade and I never hear another bugle -- those elk dropped into a steep, nasty canyon. Too bad I didn't have an elk tag! Anyway, the deer feeding near me run around a small knob and I can't see them. So I continue glassing and trying to come up with a way to get on one of the herds. About that time, something catches the corner of my eye and I pull the binos away and see about a dozen deer that have now come full circle around the knob and I see there is a nice 3 point and a forky in the bunch. Yay! What luck is this! Last night I had thought; put the 300 away and get the 7mag. So I reach into the truck and grab the rifle, lay down and find the 3 point in my sights. I crack off a shot and miss him at 125 yards. Unfortunately the night before I had neglected to swap rifles so the notorious 300 failed me again. Furious, I run back to the truck, pull out the 7mag, run back over and lay down and find the deer. By this time they are headed south over a ridge and the 3 point is nowhere to be found. However, the dumb forky is the last in line and headed over the ridge. Right as he crests the ridge, I squeeze a shot and nail his spine and he goes down, just out of sight and over the ridge. I wait a few minutes, put the MRCC on and head over. I find him in some thick cover and end his life with one more shot to the neck.

So, after a very frustrating, fun-filled 3 day hunt, another chapter has been written. I gutted him and drug him up the hill about 100 yards. Once on top, I ran and got the quad and loaded it on and drove back to the truck. For those of you wondering if a medium sized muley will fit in a 150 quart Igloo cooler...the answer is yes, they fit. So here's a couple pics...right after the kill and then headed down the mountain all packed up. He wasn't the biggest on the mountain but he's going to be some great meat in the freezer. I'll have him back from the butcher in about 3 weeks and look forward to how tasty he'll be. Now I need to re-dial everything in for the Montana hunt with my dad here in November. I'm very excited about that and definitely hoping I don't have any equipment failures. :)


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Congrats!!! Gotta be heartbreaking to get that many shots on a 200" muley and not connect... Good job on staying with it.
Thanks, 1p. It was one of the more difficult hunts...not only because I was by myself but because there wasn't another guy encouraging me to keep after it. And maybe provide some other rational thoughts, etc. I was so frustrated that like I said, felt like quitting so many times, but thankfully was able to pull it through, mainly with the help of the deer! :eek: But, this is what we do as hunters......overcome obstacles and come out better because of it.
eh- I've been there so to speak. The only two chances I've ever had at bull elk resulted in misses (one spike and a 5pt). Later found out a wonky scope was the culprit. Heck, I'd shot a nice mule deer with the same rifle just a few days prior. I've hunted that same area two more years and haven't had a shot yet our party took 5 bulls out in those two years. Just not in the right place at the right time.

PS- 'Course I didn't go through quite as much ammo as you did... ;)
Oak; unfortunately no-go on the scope. I got it the day after I got back from the trip (Thursday), right as I was headed down to the butcher. But, I've been scoping out the Sierra (miles away) and can see unbelievably well. Love the scope! :D

T-Bone; a great segue from my previous note to Oak...Butcher Boy rocks -- I have them process all my game. My wife and girls love the slim jims the best but yes, the salami and link sausage is awesome too. :D

1p; definitely looking forward to having a gunsmith tell me the bases weren't torqued right or the rings are jacked or something like that...gotta get this squared away because MT is almost due!
Conrats on your deer. Sounds like it was all a good trip in the end
Thanks, 1p. It was one of the more difficult hunts...not only because I was by myself but because there wasn't another guy encouraging me to keep after it. And maybe provide some other rational thoughts, etc. I was so frustrated that like I said, felt like quitting so many times, but thankfully was able to pull it through, mainly with the help of the deer! :eek: But, this is what we do as hunters......overcome obstacles and come out better because of it.

Well said! Congrats on the hunt!

I saw mention your next was MT? For elk? or you on a muley run atm?
I have a hunt planned from opening to Nov 4th. hunt partner and I. (Elk) Prob down in the pintlers. if your looking in that direction - your welcome to stop by and have a cold one around the fire :) (prob at that time it will be in the wall tent though good camp stove warmth regardless :) )
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Thanks, schmalts and sytes!

Sytes; yeah, my dad and I got lucky and drew a combo elk/deer tag for MT -- the elk is general (didn't score on an LE) but the deer we drew for a specific unit (don't remember which one, but we're north of Bozeman a bit from what I recall). I think right now we'll be hunting for 2 weeks (maybe 11/8 - 11/22) and try to get it done in that timeframe. Where are the pintlers? It would be great to stop by, chat, stay warm and have a brew! Thanks for the offer!
Pintlers are north of bighole / south of... Anaconda. Close to Philipsburg would be the best bearing for general location.
Bozeman is a good distance away... thankfully we don't have that many kitty cats in GRIZ country :) (College (MSU vs UM) rivalry banter lol!).

Not sure the general area you are heading towards though - Best of success to you and your father. A quick note: Give the MT FWP a call for the area you are heading to... Ask specifically for the wildlife biologist - you may get a handy tip to close your sights a bit tighter in the area you are hunting. Seems to actually speak with one on the phone and getting that personalized feeling goes a bit longer than an e-mail though e-mail also holds good communication with them. ;) Also, check with any block Management opportunities around your area. Never hurts to sign in - in the event your area borders such - least you are already authorized to enter their property... Last note: It is the hunter's responsibility to know your location. A land owner is not obligated to mark his/her boundries. No sense FWP taking any hard earned game due to losing sight of location. Just a couple perticulars of MT hunting.

You will be in MT about 1 week + after I complete mine.Again, best of success - look forward to your post and elk / deer pictures - knock on wood. :)
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