I need to find a better place to hunt elk. There are 5 of us. Three are retired and in their 70's. One is 26 and I am in my early 40's. Have been going to northern colorado for 4 years and hunt the heavy timber. It is getting old not seeing much. Finally figured that we needed cow tags and got one cow last year. This year nothing at all. Never saw a thing the first rifle season. Would like an area that we have a good chance at something. We usually now get two cow tags and three bull tags. There has to be a better place. Need to go on public land because private land is out of our budgets. Any ideas on where to go would be greatly appreciated. Colorado/Idaho?? Where. I don't expect you guys to give away your areas but if you have ideas I would appreciate it. I want my dad to get a bull bad. It would be nice if the older guys could get one at least.