Sitka Pre Season Savings

Need some decisions to be made


New member
Oct 16, 2001
Mesa, Arizona
1. Night time or daytime
2. Lake??
3. Wives and kids?
4. Potluck/picnic
5. Rules for the Touney
6. Prizes?
7. Bring Amberjack $10 day.
1. Night time or daytime (Night time is the right time)

2. Lake?? (Bartlett, seems most fair)

3. Wives and kids? (not this time)

4. Potluck/picnic (not this time)

5. Rules for the Touney (we could use the allstar rules)

6. Prizes? (bragging rights, I did like the suggestion about a travelling trophy though)

7. Bring Amberjack $10 day (BITE ME) :D

1. Night time or daytime (Day)
2. Lake?? Sag,Apache,Pleasant,Canyon
3. Wives and kids? Probaly won't have one by then. I think it would be fun for all
4. Potluck/picnic (yes)
5. Rules for the Touney(yes) NO DEAD FISH, anything goes!!!
6. Prizes? (Trophy) private pools
7. Bring Amberjack $10 day.(for what you got some thong pics or secret cool guy stuff)
I Agree with all but 2 and 6, & 7, I would rather do Sag or Pleasant Why not both a trophy and a prize, and announcing it as "Bring Amberjack $10 day" is the best idea since sliced bread.
I don't see why you get 10 dollars. Unless your going to be buying the prizes and the fat nasty trophy
Let's get this in writting with the lake, time, date and see how many will be there. :rolleyes:
Westy has some good points.....

hot hot hot means night time is the best time not only for fishing but for the Del-Mart Inc Aqusision team as well

during that time of the year I would say no to kids and wives unless they are going to fish with you. and the bbq the same.. reason being wifes and kids tend to bitch alot and can make a short day and short tempers( man am I going to get slammed for that) Unless your wifes and kids want to do that .. Then I would say have our trusty laywer right up a contract for the wifes and kids incase they start in and then we have proof.. :D

OH yeah definatly need a big trophy a few plaques or something.. if we had one at pleasant then at sag then a third at a lake via the team who had the winning combined wieght for the first to it could be fun...

I would say standard tounry rules.....

Thats just my suggestion I will let you guys keep it going.....

I would also like to see a bbq/tourny but hey when its cooler maybe like the 3rd tourny?

1. Night time or daytime: either
2. Lake??
leasant and Sag or Canyon
3. Wives and kids? :No thanks already have some.
4. Potluck/picnic : Everybody do their own thing this time.
5. Rules for the Touney: Standard rules of engagement.
6. Prizes? : Not necessary
7. Bring Amberjack $10 day. What do we get for the $10? Might be worth it. LOL

I have to know.

Is there really going to be a big tourney between the eastside and the westside?

I think not. I think you are all afraid of losing.
At least one of the woosie bunch is starting to get the idea...The rest are just a bunch of tea swilling old hens babling....
I really think there are to many decisions on the board for this bunch to come to an agreement on....
In the mean time, I'm going GAY Bass fishing This weekend with my family up at Big Lake, then I'm going fishing at Saguaro after the roundtable meeting on Monday, Then I'm going to hit Tempe Town Lake Early morning about twice a week for the next month, and I may go fishing with my cousin at canyon in a few weeks.

I'm tired of talking, I'm going fishing, BYE BYE.

P.S. Would please tell me how to post pics directly to a reply in this forum? thanks.
got fish? you need a place to host the pics, then you take the url of the picture and place it between
. You can place a direct link to the pictures you have on Geocites, but you would have click on the link to see it. Place the url of the picture between and with no spaces
I am with Westy

at night
no families this time
no bbq this time
standard tourney rules
I don't have a boat, so I'll go with the crowd. Bartlett's good since it won't be my boat with a hole in it. I'll be down alone so no wives is cool. Tourney rules . . . whatever. I'll give AJ $10 bucks. (Uh, Delw, could you spot me a sawbuck or two?) Travelling trophy is funny idea. Let's do it!