Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

ND Swan


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2013
North Dakota
Well things are freezing up here in North Dakota. I do not know why I always wait til the last minute to go hunt these things but I do. Friday I went out and spotted a few hundred on a good size body of water with my friend. He actually was out duck scouting and seen them and called me to come up there. So I high tailed it out of town with my waders Skia my dog and the 10 ga. Got up there and made a plan. There was one swan standing on the ice that was way bigger than the rest. But the sneak on that would have been impossible to get within a decent range and busting ice in waders is not a favorite pas time of mine.

We decided to go to the other side where some birds were in open water. I made the sneak and popped up and shot at the biggest one I seen. A reload later and it was "mostly" dead. My friend let Skia out of the pickup and she swam 120-150 yards out one way to get this bird. 80in wingspan and 52 in from head to toe. weighed in at just a hair under 20lbs. My second largest to date. All in all it was a good time. I am blessed to have a dog willing to brave the icy waters for me and not think twice about it. All gun dog owners know how fortunate we are to have our four legged partners. Maybe should have tried for the large one but I am happy to fill my tag with this one.

Thanks! It is always a hunt I look forward to. This was my 7th swan to date. One day I will put one on the wall.
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