Myth: Welfare Ranching Is Important to Rural Economies


Not to say you are wrong, but.....

Actually, the State Land Board can not sell land. So there is no chance of the Developers buying land from the Land Board, as I understand. Neener neener, neener...

So... to get around the Law, the Land Board engineers swaps or trades. And they usually are sweetheart deals to somebody in the swap, that are not the School kids. One trade I heard about was Payette Lake cabin sites for harvested timberland.
The claim was in 30 years, they would sell the timber

Thanks for posting the link, and if you look thru the annual reports for the Land Board, they don't seem to be breaking the figure out. The closest I could come was a number of $600k for all leases for grazing, cropland, and submerged land. (What is submerged???)

That one kind of had me stumped too,. I can't think that it is some sort of oil right, or even a mineral right.

I think I have heard of "surface rights", and I don't know how "submerged" would be the complement.

The annual reports tended to be a bit short on detail, which then brings up all sorts of wild-a$$ed speculation.

I doubt I have time in the next little bit to call down there, and track the real number, but remind me in a few weeks, and I will gladly pursue "the Truth".
EGNR, you said <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Ten,

Not to say you are wrong, but.....

Actually, the State Land Board can not sell land. So there is no chance of the Developers buying land from the Land Board, as I understand. Neener neener, neener... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Please refer to the following text:
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> ...provide by law that the
general grants of land made by congress to the state shall be judiciously
located and carefully preserved and held in trust, subject to disposal at
public auction for the use and benefit of the respective object for which said
grants of land were made, and the legislature shall provide for the sale of
said lands from time to time.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> ...that not to exceed one hundred sections of
state lands shall be sold in any one year, and to be sold in subdivisions of
not to exceed three hundred twenty acres of land to any one individual,
company or corporation.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
From the same link as before.

Funny, sounds lke they can sell land to me.
Farming and ranching is a life style. Pure and simple. Granted, the majority of our meat and money from that meat come from the big feed lots in the midwest. But, the smaller ranchers and farmers do the best they can. It is a way to raise a family.

My dad is a farmer, my brother is a rancher, and I work in the crop dusting business. So I am therefore, extremely pro livestock, farming and public land use. But I firmly believe, as does Ithaca, that the farmers and ranchers are the biggest welfare receipiants in America today. I have said that for years. Every year we have to attend a certain number of meetings pertaining to pestacide certification. In December I was at a meeting and overheard two farmers talking. One asked the other what he was going to plant this spring. The second farmer replied "I havent decided yet, I'm waiting to see what subsidies are coming out first so I can get a subsidy". They themselves admitt that they rely on government subsidies to survive. Most must rely on graze land so they can raise enough cattle to break even. What the finincial costs are, I dont concern myself. The are just trying to make a living. Besides, that last time I checked, there was more land than cattle in the west anyways. We just have to make them responsible and accountabvle for how they treat that public land, not take it away from them.
I think illeagal aliens are the biggest welfare receoients in this country
(my opinion, no facts involved, don't ask -it's opinion only).

I stand corrected. I am too tired to go look up the item that said only the swaps. I don't know that I have heard of the sales, only the swaps.

My biggest learning was how vague their annual reports were.

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