Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

My Father


New member
Oct 16, 2001
Mesa, Arizona
Hi Guys thanks for all of your support. I just learned this evening that my father is terminal and will be transported to a Hospice

My Father taught me about the outdoors, setting a comfortable camp, fishing and hunting. He taught me that hunting is being in the open country, to fill a hunt tag in a sportsmanlike manner is a bonus to the hunt, to be on the water at the break of daylight when the water is glass is next to being in heaven, to wake up early and hear the birds singing. To sit around one hot campfire in the evening with a group of friends who share the same ideals, to smell the woods after a rain.

Take your kids fishing, laugh when they bring the fishing reel to you and it looks like Houdini could not escape from the knots, make a big deal of the Bluegill they caught,take them target practicing, take them camping, be patient with them, explain the outdoors to them, the beauty of it and why it means so much to you, they will understand.

Next time when you guys are out on the water and make your first cast, you light up the campfire, or you load your rifle early in the morning, say this is for Amberjack's Dad.

Thanks guys
Sorry to hear about your dad.... your right about the kids.....

You have my numbers and I will be on the lake tomorrow , the kids will be fishing there selves so if ya need to call me on the cell..

Sorry to hear about your father Amberjack. In just over a week I will do my first cast in many years and with that cast will be a thought of your dad.
`Sorry to hear about your dad!!!
The season starts the third sat. of May here. My first fish will be with your dad in mind......

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Will continue to keep him and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

You have my email as well if I can do anything.


Sorry this reply is so late. I just got back from FL. You and your father will be in our prayers.

Just be glad you have the kind of father that taught you the meaningful things in life. Be glad for all those time you mentioned.

Please call me if I can do anything.

Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he goes with as little pain and suffering as possible. If he taught you to appreciate the wonders of the outdoors the way you describe he must be a good man. I will be sure you, your family, and your dad will be in my thoughts as I make my next casts.

I am very sorry to hear of Amberjacks loss!! His father is now in the great hunting grounds in the sky. From the little I have heard, he reminded me of my step father. :(
I'm so terribly sorry Amberjack, but I'm also very happy to hear that you had such a wonderful Father who gave you lasting memories of the outdoors and life in general. You are very blessed to have such fond memories and now I'm sure your dad is landing a lunker in heaven. God bless you and yours and please call if there's anything Wendy and I can do. Take care good friend.

All my prayers are with you and your family.
I heard of your loss from Westy and know what it is like to lose a loved one.:(
Keep the memory of your dad alive within your kids and the way you treat them.
It sounds like you are on the right track keeping the dream alive.
If you need me, you have my #

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