Darren and I got to our spot and set up by a old trail and went down a few feet down the hill to set up by a tree we sat their for a hour and a half befor getting cold and stiff so we went up to the to walk to try and warm when we got to the road we stood there for a few min befor darren said listen when I turned there was a buck standing there it did't have a wide spred but it had a lot points with a tall spread so we waited to see if it would cross the trail but it never did and it took of in the other direction and I was upset for not getting a shot off. so Darren and I was trying to figure out if we should set up again or take a walk .we took the walk till we got to fork in the trails and i look down the fork where it starts and tell darren this looks like a good spot he told me to quiet down because he was hearing something. i turn around and i see a deer moving through the brush. i got ready to take the shot at it when it came out of the brush. it was a doe i lifted the rifle i put the cross hairs on her and i pulled the triger and nothing happen and i kept pulling the trigger while darren keep saying shoot!! shoot!! i brought down to gun and i flip the safty the wrong way
so i flip it the other way and the next thing i knew another deer came out and it was a buck so i raise the rifle agian but did't shoot at first for it was moving and i'm still hearing darren saying shoot!! shoot!!when it stop i squeezed the trigger and the rifle finly went off when the buck started to run i knew i broke the leg because we could see him draging it. the buck was only 15 yards away when all happen so we went up to where the buck was standing to see it if there was blood while we where looking for blood another buck came with in 10 yards about 10 min later another buck came and was 10 yards away the one side only had 4 points whil the other side had only a nub will darren and i was talking and turn around and there was another buck and it was about 4 to 5 yards away the deer saw us at the same time and took off then stop but darren could't get a shot off all he could see was the horns if he was standing where i was he could have got a shot then we finly started to track the a few yards befor darren saw it ran down there and the buck just got bigger the closer we got and most the deer came right after i shot
we called meathead and youngrobinhood and then went to get Dad. we told him that I got another small deer.
i want to say thank you to Darren for all his help
we called meathead and youngrobinhood and then went to get Dad. we told him that I got another small deer.
i want to say thank you to Darren for all his help